Life In General

This is just a random blog entry about how I've been feeling lately. 

I don't know why but my depression has been acting up lately and I've been sleeping so much. I think it's because sleeping is my only form of truly escaping life even if it's for a brief moment. While writing this down I realized that it sounds so depressing (haha). But fear not, depression is something that I've been struggling with since I was 12 and I have the support of my family and professionals to get through it. 

I guess I just really miss my family and how when I get home life is so simple, compared to life here. I think that maybe feeling this way will go away if I dye my hair a different color haha.

Like I said, this is just a random blog entry that has basically no meaning and just... I just wanted to rant for a bit. 

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★Eli's mind★

★Eli's mind★'s profile picture

I hope everything goes better in the future in your life <3

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