Adrian Tzun

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"Searching my way"

Busco el consuelo de los viejos Dioses

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¿Who are The Old Gods?

Category: Religion and Philosophy

¿Who are the old Gods?  In a period of our history, in ancient Europe when Flavius ​​Constantine was just a child and Christianity was still persecuted by the Romans, in the lands of Eastern Europe, there existed small groups of peasant men and women. Their life was dedicated to agriculture, cultivation, craftsmanship and blacksmithing.  » Continue Reading

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Pray to The Old Gods

Category: Religion and Philosophy

In this moment of peace, I talk to You.  I am strong and decisive, but I am human too, and I feel tired and sick, so I search your help. My Lord, give me the strengh and the power to overcome my enemies, wherever they are or whatever they try. » Continue Reading

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How can I pray to the Old Gods

Category: Religion and Philosophy

If you are interest in praying for the Old Gods, this is how you can begin with. First of all, ¿have you feel recently that you don't have any direction in your life? ¿Have you tried most of the religions like catholicism, cristianity, islamism, budhism, judism and his variations, and you still don't find yourself in?  Even if you are not sure if the abrahamic God exist or not, ¿you still are need... » Continue Reading

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My wife

Category: Life

Today, I'll be writing in my two languages, so my words will come more fluently.  This weekend was very though, but not for the amount of work that went all this days. Yes, it was that much. There is a very little moments of rest that I have, but all of them goes very easily, that I recently think that, it's because I don't use them properly. Los Viejos Dioses me han brindado muchas cosas desde qu... » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

Whorty This weekend I get one of the best things that I have received in my entire life. A precious gift, coming from the Old Gods.  In monday, one of my enemies tried to get a wound on me. He begin to spread rumors about what I do alone after work; the little chit-chat with my boss and how I'm trying to set aside all of my co-workers.  Ignoring the fact that he always has been a rat, » Continue Reading

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— 4 Kudos

Things about this weekend

Category: Blogging

Things about this weekend This weekend was good, and worthy the amount of work that I put on them. Since I have to work throughly the morning and the afternoon, I don't have much time to other things like worshiping the Old Gods in the good way.  For example, the last year it was two or three » Continue Reading

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Creating my own layout

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Anyone knows a profile here in spacehey, or a channel on YouTube or any web page, that can teach me everything by how to creat my own layout?  I'm interested in doing my layout whit my own code, but I don't know anything about programming (although it's a very cool thing to learn for me). » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

Thank you for coming yesterday to the place. I didn't have the time to talk to you in the way that I wanted, but, if may I ask, how was your day? Did you get good grades on your class?  It's always nice seeing your beautiful eyes, especially when the light of the sun passes through. Always hypnotic to see your body moving, your lips whispering, and the smell of your perfume.  I wish to everything ... » Continue Reading

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About the things that we can talk

Category: Blogging

The thing that happened to me Since I recently get more friends in my profile, and some of them speaks in english, I'll try to write more in this language, and therefore it will improve my writing.  I was thinking to begin to write any task that it's important for me, and that it's important for the purposes of my profile. For example, the task of mine, to talk about the Old Gods will be very cons... » Continue Reading

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Category: Religion and Philosophy

Now that I'm ready to rest, I want to thank the Old Gods.  Great Father and Mother, the good things that hapened to me today, went because your hand and your good will.  Gran Padre, tuve algunos problemas hoy, pero tuve la fuerza para sobreponerme a ellos, por más cansado que me sentía.  Gran Madre, trastabille al momento de brindar mi mano a quienes pidieron mi ayuda; pero al final, colaboré con ... » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

Pienso que muchas de las decisiones que tomó no han sido buenas ultimamente. No solo debo pensar en mí y en mi futuro, también debo pensar en el futuro de las personas que me rodean. Las decisiones que tomó, día con día, definen ese futuro que está a una distancia tan corta de un día. Pienso las posibilidades, "¿qué debo hacer si esto pasa?", "¿qué debo hacer si esto no pasa?".  Recientemente tomé... » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

Cuando estudiaba en secundaria, escuché una leyenda que nunca logré confirmar si era cierta o no. Pero resulta que en la Central de Abastos (una especie de mercado gigantesco donde puedes encontrar lo que sea) de mi ciudad, además de todo lo que esperas encontrar en ella, comida, ropa, objetos de uso diario, etc., existía una zona donde se vendían cosas ilegales. Mi amigo, me contó que es una zona... » Continue Reading

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