How can I pray to the Old Gods

If you are interest in praying for the Old Gods, this is how you can begin with.

First of all, ¿have you feel recently that you don't have any direction in your life? ¿Have you tried most of the religions like catholicism, cristianity, islamism, budhism, judism and his variations, and you still don't find yourself in? 

Even if you are not sure if the abrahamic God exist or not, ¿you still are need of some Spiritualiy in your life? Let me explain to you. In the past, in what is now east of Europe, there were tribes of people that prayed to the gods related to the Nature and the forces of life. There were gods of sun, gods of water, even gods of work and cooking. Those gods were not the unreachable beings who lived in palaces made of gold and bronce. Authorities to whom you could not adress directly, but through an oracle or a priest who chose wich prayers you would address to them and wich ones you would not. If you haven't realized who I'm talking about, I'm refering to the greek and roman gods, powerful beings of chaos and order. 

The others, instead, were more, if you want to say it this way, "domestic" gods. There were no need of temples, no need of big ceremonys or tithe. Only matter how much you helped the tribe, and the faith that you had for the gods. If you needed more water or food, you just have to ask them, directly, through a little rituals that involved songs and sacrificies. And the gods answered.

Now you can see, it doesn't require to sign a big form full of requirements. It doesn't matter your etnicity, or language, or skin color. Nor the money that you have, because money is irrelevant, as long as you use it to help others. 

The only thing that you need, if you want to pray to the Old Gods, it's to have faith in them. Believe in them. You can pray to any god that you want: there are the pagan gods, the egyptian gods, the mayan and peruvian gods, the native american gods, and even the greeks and romans (if you feel more identified with them). 

Feel free to pray, in your own way. With the objects that you like. Your temples can be your rooms, your house, a place the city where you live, or even far away like a forest or a cave. Even, if you are ready, you can search for other pagans here in Spacehey or any place in internet, so you can participate in covens. 

This is, for starters. 

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¿Cómo fue que surgió el interés por los antiguos dioses?
Si es que no hay problema en que pregunte

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No, no, en absoluto! De hecho esa es la intención, que quieran profundizar más sobre los Viejos Dioses. Personalmente, crecí en un entorno fuertemente católico, ambas familias mías son fervientes religiosos. No tuve ninguna mala experiencia con la religión, sin embargo, poco a poco perdí el interés y al final, me di cuenta que simplemente no conectaba con los credos católicos ni cristianos. Hasta hace cuatro años, encontré algunos textos sobre los dioses paganos europeos, y desde entonces, me di cuenta de que en efecto, los Viejos Dioses siempre estuvieron ahí, esperando el momento exacto para revelarse ante mí. Mi vida ha mejorado desde entonces, y he encontrado mi lado espiritual que pensaba perdido.

by Adrian Tzun; ; Report

También perdí el interés a pesar de ser familia católica lo cual no es malo y no me va a pasar nada pero no lo ven de esa forma.

by ghost3333; ; Report