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This weekend I get one of the best things that I have received in my entire life. A precious gift, coming from the Old Gods. 

In monday, one of my enemies tried to get a wound on me. He begin to spread rumors about what I do alone after work; the little chit-chat with my boss and how I'm trying to set aside all of my co-workers. 

Ignoring the fact that he always has been a rat, and how his infectious smell permeats all the space across the hallway and his office, what is really dangerous of him it's his hability to creat discord. 

The thing that get me really angry, was that he managed to affect the work of my wife, delaying her almost three weeks of work and costing her an important business. It was something that she worked so hard to get, costing her his free time, his own resources. She didn't lost all (we have some good friends that are more inteligent and better that him), but it was a bad wound. I just listened her, while she was crying in my arms and saying, "¿why?", several times. "¿it really was worthy the cost?"

So I asked the Old Gods for a favor. A little gift for me, in exchange of anything that they wanted. I sat, in patience, praying to them, whorshipping them. I sang the songs that my ancestors write in brown papers. I perform the dances of the animals that habits the woods and the mountains. I screamed, I get the attention from the Lord and the Lady. The gift required a great sacrifice, and the sacrifice was paid off in spades. 

Despite the pain, my blood remain on the floor. And finally, the voice. Their voice, calmly, like a whisper, filled the room. And the gift was delivered. 

Yesterday we received the notice that my coworker is in the hospital. A drunk driver hit him so hard, that his left arm and leg it's damaged; like his ribbs and his lungs.

His conversations of WhatsApp that I get public was seen by everyone, costing him in the future his dismissal, and probably getting my wife his business oportunity again.

2 Kudos


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ghost3333's profile picture

Y los antiguos dioses hicieron justicia.
Con solo leerlo me dió enojo preguntandome como es posible que haya gente con ta malas intenciones. Sin embargo, no es el único de muchas personas iguales a él lo cual hace que me enoje más.

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by Adrian Tzun; ; Report


SABR1NA_TH3_W1TCH's profile picture

It's pleasing to see that dirty rat get what he deserved, once again The Old Gods give justice.

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by Adrian Tzun; ; Report