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Things about this weekend

Things about this weekend

This weekend was good, and worthy the amount of work that I put on them. Since I have to work throughly the morning and the afternoon, I don't have much time to other things like worshiping the Old Gods in the good way. 

For example, the last year it was two or three times when I made rituals in honor of the Great God and the Goddess. My usual places to do it, were in an abandoned church in a little town (poblados en español) outside the city where I live; and, the Cementary of my city, in the loneliest and oldest section of it. 

Now, there is a beautiful place where my rituals are more porewul and sacred. It's a place that is ilike ten or fifteen minutes of my home. Near the mountains that surrounds me right now, and an old but still functioning mine. Past the little river and the little forest, there is a huge plane, where there is no tree, no rock, no animal in there. Just grass and yellow and white flowers, and sometimes, orchids that exudes a perfume so powerful that you can feel it a few feets of distance.

In the left side of the plane, there is a singular construction made of wood, stone and metal. I think that, in the past, this construction worked like a storehouse when all the blocks and other "mines-related" materiales were stored. Now it's abandoned, but because it was well made it, even if it rains or the river gets bigger, it keeps dry and warm. 

And legends are told in the city. Legends like there was a terrible murder, when a man killed a few of his companions only to steal their money. That not so long, a satanic cult whorshiped terrible demons and made blood sacrifices in that place, until the police break into and destroyed everything. But those are legends, and whatever are true or not, what I know is that it's a silent and pleacent place to get alone. 

There is where I made my rituals. i brind all my books, candels, scents, knives, stones, pictures, and my scultures. When the night falls, I close the door behind me, and make my prayers to the old gods. This weekend I manage to go two times, one in monday, and the other yesterday. 

I thank the Great Father for gave me his strenght to overcome all the problems that ocurred in my workplace, for manage to ignore all the insults and mistakes that my companions made, and for all the good things that I received because my work. I thank the Godess for giving me the compassion necesary to help the people who needed it. For my beautiful wife, who becomes more and more graceful with every year. I made my blood sacrifice, to remind me that I am no more than a mortal, and my flesh is weak and my soul can troumble. But in the end, the old gods are there, ready to bring me they comfort. 

And because the sacrifices, I manage to discover that in the next weekend, it is possible that it will be a prize for everyone in my workplace. So, again, thanks to the Old Gods.

4 Kudos


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