so my favorite game genre is horror games! im a big big fan of outlast and has played it more times than i can count! ive been trying to find a game that gives me a similar creepy vibe, but i havent found one :( does anyone know any good horror games? wether its on the computer, phone or tv doesnt matter!! :3 » Continue Reading
hiii!!! im currently in bed feeling warm and i got a sore throat as well :( i checked my temp and the highest temp i reached when i checked was 37,7 degrees, so im on the edge of getting a fever :( does anyone have any tips on how to feel better and healthier quicker? » Continue Reading
hi! so this friday, i went to my first ever graduation party which was held at a club in my town! i went together with two of my friends and met up with many more friends once we arrived at the party. long story short, i got really drunk after taking a vodka shot and a tequilla shot (which i had never done before this party). i was drunk at a level were i couldnt even stand up anymore a » Continue Reading
hi! recently ive been wanting to go out wearing outfits like skirts and dresses more often, but im a little afraid of that people might judge me on what i wear... i also want to wear these outfits more at home. i know my family doesnt have any problem with what i wear and believe that you should get to wear what you want to wear, but i still get a nervous feeling that i will be somewhat » Continue Reading