I keep seeing people post DNI lists on here, so I figured, why not, might as well make my own, right? So, please do not interact with me if you are... a nationalist (of any kind) a communist (of any kind) an anti-Semite a christophobe a islamophobe a russophobe a holocaust denier an Armenian genocide denier a gore account a porn accoun » Continue Reading
When I got home today, I found one of my dogs, Coco, dead on the floor. He was sick for about a week or so, and didn't eat, drink water, or even move much. I can't help but suspect his last few hours were in pain. It's sad that he's no longer with us, and it's even worse that this is the second time one of my dogs passed away this year. Living without Coco is gonna take some getting used to, becau... » Continue Reading
I recently pirated, played, and beat the Deadpool game on PC. It was fun. Not as good as DmC and it's fairly short, but it's a interesting and funny game that's fun to play nonetheless. And since we haven't seen a new solo Deadpool game before or since this game came out, I thought I'd share my ideas for a new Deadpool game. I won't talk about fan-fiction ideas for the story, just general ideas fo... » Continue Reading
It's clear that they put a lot of effort into the look in feel of the app. Everything from the layout, to the app icon looks straight out of a old version of iOS. But at the same time, it's something of a double-edged sword, in that some users' profiles, (like my friend, Sleepy_Mick's profile, for instance,) by no fault of their own, look out of out of place with the general app layout. My profil... » Continue Reading
In this blog post, I'll be ranting and raving about a video made by a YouTuber named Paul Zamarelli, or Horror Is Dead, as he goes by on YouTube. This was originally supposed to be a comment on the video itself, but ended up writing a long-ass rant over this crap, because I can't stand the type of toxic fan that this video represents, so I figured I'd post here as a blog post instead. If you want ... » Continue Reading
It looks ok. The animation looks nice, and does a good job translating the 2D art of the Garfield comics to a 3D, CGI environment. As absurd as it is hearing Chris Pratt's natural voice come out of Garfield, he does a good job in the role, in that he captures the snarky, jokey aspect of Garfield's character, and a few of his lines in the trailer are reasonably funny. That being said, based on the ... » Continue Reading
Here's something I've thought of a few times. You know how The Uncanny Valley Effect is that vibe something gives off when it doesn't quite look real, but doesn't quite look, for a lack of a better term, fake either. Well, I think it can be said some songs, and possibly even some bands or artists, aren't quite Pop Punk, but aren't quite traditional/"normal" Pop Rock either. Like, one example I can... » Continue Reading