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timezone: AEST | he/him | autizm, adhd, anxiety, partial DID sys.

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Mood: SILLY!!!

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th3z3 k1dz 0mfg.

Category: Life

1m try1ng 2 m1nd my 0wn bu1zn3zz 1n tut3 clazz and th33z b0yz juzt h1t m3 1n tha fac3 w/ a ball. 1t d1dnt hurt tht bad but i hav a r3all1 bad h3adach3 n0w >xd th3yr3 b31ng z0 r3kl3zz :// » Continue Reading

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b3ing autiztic in c00king clazz kinda sukz x/

Category: Food and Restaurants

li3k tha c00king part iz fun but i aint 3ating tht shit Dx "appl3z hav tha sa3m am0unt 0f 3nrgy az 4 l0llip0pz!! c0nzid3r tht" i d0nt car3 ?? i wuld rathur di3 than 3at appl3z tha t3xtur3 iz zo bad 😭😭 "0h juzt tri it 0r u'll n3vur kn0" i fuking kn0 h0n3y dw.  aniwayz n0t m3 bl0gging durin sk00l x3 » Continue Reading

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kinda h8 b00kz fr

Category: Books and Stories

im r33ly g00d @ r33ding d0nt g3t m3 r0ng but i g3t zo inv3zt3d and th3n itz juzt 0v3r. lik3 0mg y0u cant d0 tht 2 m3!!!  » Continue Reading

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liv3 laugh stan 6arelyhuman <33

Category: Music

i shit u n0t itz th3 0nly thing i lizt3n 2 @ thiz p0int 😭 h3r muzic iz 2 di3 4 0mfg i lizt3n 2 it c0nztantly /p0z » Continue Reading

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h3y y0u autiztic fr3akz..

Category: Life

wanna c0m3 0va? i hav din0 nuggiez.. 😘😘 » Continue Reading

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h0w d0 i convince my frendz 2 j0in zpacehey ???

Category: Friends

plz i need ideaz :p!! they arnt sc3n3/em0 0r anythin btw xd » Continue Reading

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bug enj0yerz

Category: Pets and Animals

are u guyz a fan 0f bugz?? i liek mozt bugz, besidz mozquit0z 0fc :p!! spiderz r kinda scari bcz they can b danger0uz but im auzzie so im kinda uzed 2 them x3  » Continue Reading

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whar d0 i p0zt abt :pp

Category: Life

uh !! itz my birthdy next munth!! :33 alz0 im sick xC but at leazt i get 2 stay h0me fr0m sk00l!! ;3 » Continue Reading

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sh0ut0ut 2

Category: Life

th0ze pe0ple wh0 wuz w0ndering wh0 the weird kid wuz at sk00l and realizd it wuz them :P  » Continue Reading

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Category: Art and Photography

ive spent 1 and a half hourz on thiz drawing and ive bareli startd tha kolourz ;( my back iz killing me!!  » Continue Reading

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