Today's fish of the day is the snailfish! A species i recently learnt about.. it seems pretty cool! Snailfish facts: - The deepest sea creature ever to have been recorded is part of the snailfish fa » Continue Reading
Today's second fish of the day is the blobfish! Such an insulting name, I am very upset right now on behalf of this poor fish!!!!! Blobfish facts - You're probably looking at the picture i chose and wondering why it isn't what looks like a glob of slimy pink mucus » Continue Reading
Today's fish of the day is one of my FAVOURITESSS,, the cuttlefish!! I LOVE CUTTLEFISH Cuttlefish facts: - There are around 120 species of cuttlefish, which can be found (ALMOST) anywhere in the world! - Like their octopus and squid relatives... the c » Continue Reading
Today's sea creature is the pacific purple sea urchin! Surchin for urchins... Purple urchin facts: - The purple urchin, along with other urchins, don't have brains! I did research on how they function without a brain but it's kinda hard to explain (☉。☉)! - They also lack many sensory or » Continue Reading
Today's second fish of the day is the parrotfish! I love how vibrant it is!!! >‿ < Parrotfish facts - These colourful fish have a really weird diet: instead of eating other sea creatures or eating plants, they eat coral... sort of! They use t » Continue Reading
Today's fish of the day is the alligator gar! (it is also the first freshwater fish i've covered on this blog... if you don't count the sockeye salmon.) Look at that cute face! Gar facts: - The alligator gar is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world (or at least north am » Continue Reading
Today's second fish of the day is the barreleye fish! I remember learning about it on octonauts x) Barreleye fish facts: - The first thing you probably noticed are this creature's big, glowing eyes! The barreleye fish's eyes are on display inside it's fluid-filled, transparent skull. (you can also see it's brain and nerves, however th » Continue Reading
Today's fish of the day is the Royal Gramma! Royal gramma facts: - These are very popular fish for aquariums, due to being easy to take care of and their vibrant colours. It is also notably passive, unlike another fish with a similar appearance kno » Continue Reading
Today's fish of the day is the sailfish!! It was difficult to choose between that and a swordfish... Sailfish facts - Thanks to their aerodynamtic shape, the sailfish is one of the fastest animals on earth, and the fastest fish in the ocean. They can reach an impressive 70mph! - They can gr » Continue Reading
Today's sea creature of the day is the scallop! what a marvelous creature Scallop facts: - The scallop has one special ability that most mollusks lack: by pumping water through their body and jetting it out their rea » Continue Reading
This is the third eel entry of this blog. If you love eels, check out Fish of the Day 2 and 2.5! Today's second fish of the day is the humble spotted garden eel. These things are very silly! » Continue Reading
Firstly, I apologize for not posting recently. I sadly didn't have motivation to do these blogs... BUT WE'RE SO BACK!! Today's fish of the day is the leafy seadragon! (Also adorably known as "leafies") leafy seadragon facts: - These are the leafbugs of the sea. The leafy seadragon » Continue Reading