I was in my town's Christmas parade yesterday. I was pouring at first. I was with my dance studio, and as soon as it was time for us to start moving, it started POURING. We were going uphill, it was pouring, and I was soggy. Then in our dance, there's a kickline. Don't know why we're kicklinging but alright. We were supposed to MOVE and kickline, appearently. But then when it didn't work and every » Continue Reading
I found out last night that I got accepted into Chatham University! I'm really excited! I went to visit the campus, and it has all the opportunities for me to do all the things I'm interested in doing, and it's a small enough college that it's easy to work out double majoring/minoring. I was accepted for Creative Writing, which seems like a cool major at their campus. It's also part » Continue Reading
I'm dying I wanna go to the When We Were Young festival so bad ToT but I live on the other side of the country...and plane tickets are like $500...which, mind you, is CRAZY, I got cheaper flight tickets for Hawaii Bouta start selling pics on feet finder to fund this little trip » Continue Reading
It's kind of sad. Yesterday, my soccer team had our last game. It was away, and everyone went, even the JV team, even though it was just a varsity game. I thought maybe that the couch woul dput the JV in anyway, seeing as we were out of playoffs so the game ultimately didn't matter, but she didn't. Granted, we WERE playing our rival team, but it was still sad. I had hopes for nothing I guess. » Continue Reading
So, we had another game last night. It was only varsity, but since I'm "varsity" I'm supposed to be there dressed for the game. To be honest, I don't really mind. We got up by 7 (pretty insane cause we're known for being a little...ya know...) but in the second half, I got to go in! Varsity! I had a really nice breakaway and got really close to scoring, actually. But a girl took me out in the box » Continue Reading
I swear after the soccer season's over I'll post other stuff I only have like 2 weeks left Today we literally played the best team in the division. They literally win playoffs every year, it's not even fair for us. But I have a bone to pick with them real quick. » Continue Reading
I've been gone for a while...woopsie My school has such awful connection, I haven't been able to edit anything in school. But here I am now! On my home laptop! I wanna die I really want to write an album. I think I have the musical skills to do s » Continue Reading
So last night was senior salute for soccer. All the seniors are supposed to play on Varsity and don't have to play on JV, but I played JV. AND IT WAS MY BEST GAME EVER. Right out of the gates, one of the first plays of the game, my team mate (who's another senior) passes me the ball and I get a breakaway down the field and score. I shoot it with my right cause of the positioning, which is really r... » Continue Reading
Forgot to update this yesterday (not that anyone's that invested lol) I got kicked out of my stunt group for the school's homecoming pep rally. I know it doesn't really matter, it's just a stupid pep rally and no one pays attention to the cheerleaders anyway, but I'm still so angry about it. I'm the most qualified flyer » Continue Reading
Update on the soccer game tonight (even though no one asked): We lost the game. Tho I'm not surprised. It was only 2-1 tho, which is really impressive considering normally we lose a shutout to 16 (wish I was exaggerating). » Continue Reading
This week is my school's homecoming so we had to sit in homeroom for two hours today to watch a video about the kids on homecoming court. It sucks. Last year I was in art so I just did art the whole time, but this year I'm in the stupid economics classroom T-T Its so dumb anyway. Everyone except for the "popular" kids know it's rigged anyway. There were a few kids that the entirety of the music, t... » Continue Reading