im bored part 4

I've been gone for a while...woopsie

My school has such awful connection, I haven't been able to edit anything in school. But here I am now! On my home laptop! I wanna die

I really want to write an album. I think I have the musical skills to do so. I want to make rock, emo, punk stuff. Can I play guitar? Yea. Can I play piano? Yea. Can I play drums? No. Can I play bass? Also no. I don't even know how bass works with guitar tbh (and I'm shit at isolating bass parts when I listen to music...really good at picking out the cowbell tho so kill me) Can I play saxophone? Yea. Is it useful in any way to me? Most likely not. But. Here I am! I have a really fancy synthesizer called a Launchkey. It has a lot of drum kits on it, and I can even add more if I wanted. Heck, I wouldn't even need live instruments, it has as many as I could need (and more) all played using the keys of a piano. But live instruments have a special charm that synthetic ones don't. Honestly, I think that one of the reasons that modern music sounds so drab is because all the live instruments is being replaced by watered down synthetic versions, played by people who wouldn't even be able to pick out the instrument they're using if given flash cards. I don't think synthetic is ALL bad. I think it can even be incorporated with live instruments and sound epic (which is what I want to do) but I don't like the replacement aspect.

Now that that rant's over, I'm DYING to write an album. I'm on a concept/rock opera album sugar high (any recs please give them to me I'm OBSESSED). I've been going on The Black Parade deep dives. It's honestly such a musical masterpiece, probably the most well-written albums I've ever listened to. You just go on this trip with the Patient. You can FEEL the story, it's like your body is being moved through this tragedy. Of course, it's not the ONLY rock opera/concept album I've been listening to, but it's just unmatchable. As I listen to it, I know that I want to make music like that. Reaching for the stars, I know, but that's what I want to do. I love writing stories (I'm working on trying to write a novel) but I can never finish a story. So, I thought, why not write a concept album? It's so much shorter, and I love writing romantic flowery poems and lyrics anyway. So why not? It would also be so cool to tell an entire story through poetry. The issue is, I have so many ideas for an album, but none feel like a FIRST album. None feel like a "this is me, so continue watching" album. Maybe for a first album, I need to nix the concept album idea altogether. But I NEED to tell a story. I NEED to write one and have it out there. And I have these ideas that I want to put out there, but I don't know if I can yet. 

Anyway. I can keep you all updated, not that anybody ever really these. But. I like writing them :)

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by NiKOLAi SP♤DE; ; Report