Hats 9999

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"just living"

Random Aussie teen trying to live life and enjoy it (I’m failing)

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EVERY song that I like (They're organised too)

Category: Music

I am making this because I feel that adding them all to the section in my interest is just going to clog it up and be too big. This is technically a WIP too, but idc, I'm posting it because I can always just update this. So as for organising, it will go the song's name first in blue , then the artist/s that made it in orange , and if it's from a movie, ballet, story or ope » Continue Reading

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Weird Things I've Eaten (and would like to eat)

Category: Life

Hello. So um... this is a blog practically just to list all the weird stuff I've eaten in my life. So yeah... feel free to be disgusted. (I probably have PICA) What I have eaten (and will probably eat again): - Glue (the type in a stick) - Paper (some of my books have bite marks in them... I'll see if I can get a photo) (I love to eat paper) - Chalk (a bit powdery) - Hair (Would not recommend) - S... » Continue Reading

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Rainworld pixel fanart

Category: Art and Photography

(I have never played rainworld before, but I want to)  I had originally drawn this on someone’s Strawpage, but then knew I wanted to made a better version so here we are :] Rainworld official art (I copied this drawing): My first version (the strawpage one):   Final pixel version:   » Continue Reading

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Possum skull I have (ANY bone/vulture culture enthusiast, PLEASE click, bc I have a question)

Category: Pets and Animals

  (I know I need to clean it btw) My friend saw one of the groundsmen at our school unblocking a rainwater pipe and saw him put this skull in a bush, and she knew I liked bones, so collected it for me. (She's so nice :3) I was thinking of using it for my art assignment, since we have to make a doll that's either future-proofed, a » Continue Reading

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Random drawings I did in art class

Category: Art and Photography

What the title says. We had to combine humans with animals as one of our tasks, so the first three are the creatures from that.    Really proud of this one, I think it looks cool, also looks really weird at the same time in a bad way. I think it’s because of the butt naked legs. I also can’t draw hands, so it’s got these muscular arms then these weird hands. » Continue Reading

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Moth Furry I made :]

Category: Art and Photography

It's based off a Mexican Tiger Moth, but I have taken a few artistic liberties and made the torso pink and not black, simply because it would've been hard to draw details (I say as I have no details on the torso). This is a Mexican Tiger Moth for reference: » Continue Reading

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What Moth Should I Choose For My Drawing?

Category: Art and Photography

I'm drawing a anthro moth/furry (first timeee, EEEE) and i want it to be a colourful moth, but not too well know, so not a Luna moth, Atlas Moth, Death-head moth, nor a Rosy Maple moth.  These are a few of the moths I've found that may work :] Spanish Moon Moth (This is the moth common/well known moth that I think I have on this list) » Continue Reading

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Graphics I've Made

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

I'll update this as I make more stamps, but these are what I currently have made  - Simigender flag -  - Masc Simigender flag -  - Rally car (I took the photo) -   - Porridge » Continue Reading

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2 Comments— 5 Kudos

Photos from a Rally I was at on the weekend (They're interesting, I promise)

Category: Automotive

(I couldn't decide whether to use the Art and Photography category, or the Automotive one, but I did Automotive) (I wish you could choose multiple categories) So, I went to a rally* last weekend and took many » Continue Reading

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Miku Graphics

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

I will be updating this, and if you have any Miku graph » Continue Reading

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Out of context or just funny quote I have from people

Category: Life

(some were said IRL, so I've typed them out, others not) "See you later, masturbator" "Do you want my kid's undies?" "I'll be pounding the fuck out of them." "Pretty good place if you're a suicide bomber, fair few people around." » Continue Reading

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WIP for fanart

Category: Art and Photography

Imma delete this soon btw cuz idk, i just don’t need it. Or I’ll forget and randomly find it again. :] Anyways, this is what I have now, I’m using a reference so don”t think I did too good, I basically copied it (not tracing tho) I can’t see the image popping up, but hopefully you can :] Back again! :] I’m just going to have images of the progress I make on the fanart now, so » Continue Reading

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