I once accidentally poisoned and killed around 40 snails (babies included)
and also wiped out the snail population at my primary school and house.
"How'd you do it" you may be asking, well, i'm going to explain it all >:]
(+ i have a funny story at the start) (there are paragraphs) (please read it still)
So funny story first:
The first time i saw a snail, I didn't know what they were and had never heard of them (I was 3 or 4). My mum was hanging up washing and i was just being with her. I was looking at the things on our fence (ie possum poo (idk)) but then i saw a monster (the snail). legit screamed bc i thought it was an alien/monster. my mum had to explain that a snail is a normal animal.
How I wiped out the snail population of my primary school and house:
In grade 4 I had like 2 proper friends, but then i somehow bonded with another kid (that, tbh, i thought was weird bc they were really sick at the start of the year, idk, blame young brains). Now this kid and I had discovered that there were snails on one of the trees on the oval, so, being the children we were, picked up all the snails we could see and plopped them into containers to take home and keep. this became an almost addiction, and is how i became great friends with the person. but alas, overtime (like a whole term or two) the snail population on that tree became no more (we had a lot of snails, like 30 each). so we looked for another tree with snails. found one, and did the same thing with that tree. and there were no other trees that had snails. I also looked all around in my backyard for snails too.
(we also collected rocks and beetles like this too) (we were interesting children) (still are)
How I poisoned and killed 40 snails (ACCIDENTALLY):
with all these snails i had to put them somewhere, i needed an encloser for them. I had a box(?) thing, container with holes in it that was like made to put bugs in it (i have another story with that same container, that's for later). So i put all the snails in there and put some grass + lettuce in it for them. I also used a water spray bottle (forgot the name of them) to give them water but not drown them. eventually tho, the lettuce got bad and after i had repeatedly changed the lettuce, I had to clean the container. now, i was going to take all the snails out of the container because i had to use soap (it didn't smell good) however my hand didn't fit in the hole/lid/whatchamacallit. So i opted to just leave them in there and try to scrap out the lettuce and things (i still used soap). that's where i went wrong. The soap in the water stayed, and i think the snails might've drunken it (ergo the poisoning). so like a day or two later, all the snails were dead. (they had been breeding too, i believe, so there were really small snails in there too (the babies). and for some reason, i didn't remove any of the snail corpses, so they just rotted in the container for a few days until the smell was too bad and i was told to clean it all.
so there is it folks. I have confessed, I am a snail mass murderer. I am wanted in the snail world. top of the snail FBI wanted list. a soulless creature. a demon child.
I also did similar things to ladybugs. I would put them in containers but there were no holes so they couldn't breathe and all just suffocated. I still have their bodies. very pretty i must say, my favorite is the Steelblue Ladybug. So i'm also a serial killer in the beetle world. (mass murderer and serial killer are different)
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help what u put so much effort into this and theres liek no one supporting it- anyway super sily story!! when i was little i loved snails (and still do) and whenever i’d see one i would give it a dandelion leaf becuz thatz what they eat lololz…………
i also love worms, similar story: once i had one of those bug containers for bug pets, and in this story it had been RAINY SEASON so i was in an insane worm phase. eventually, one of my mom’s friends had collected a bunch of worms JUST FOR ME!! (not even kidding it was a giant bag with half of it filled with worms, i was young so it was prob a lot smaller becuz the worms fit in the container but anyways-) i put them all in the container (WITH DIRT FOR THEM!!) so now i had pet wormz yippee!!!1!1!1!! i tried taking gud care of them but after some time eventually it was stinky and we found out liek 96% of the worms died. so then we just (buried?? i forgor) the dead worms and let the still alive ones into the wild lolol
anyways yea super kewl snail story idk why ur not getting that much attraction that mustve taken a long time 2 write!!