Hello. So um... this is a blog practically just to list all the weird stuff I've eaten in my life. So yeah... feel free to be disgusted. (I probably have PICA)
What I have eaten:
- Glue (the type in a stick)
- Paper (some of my books have bite marks in them... I'll see if I can get a photo) (I love to eat paper)
- Chalk (a bit powdery)
- Hair (Would not recommend)
- Skin (from myself, I'm not a cannibal, don't worry)
- Superglue (I waited for it to dry on my finger, then kinda scratched it off with my teeth, think I ate some skin with it) (it's dry and a lil crunchy)
- Nails (like fingernails, not metal)
- Wood (from pencils and sticks)
- Graphite (from pencils)
- Cardboard
- Plastic (I normally just chew on it, but sometimes I accidentally eat it) (mainly lego)
- Gum (I swear, it's impossible for me to actually chew gum, all I do is eat it)
- Paint [acrylic] (When it's halfway through drying, so it's not wet, but not flakey)
- Crayons (they get in-between your teeth)
- The coloured part of colour pencils (Similar to the crayons, gets in your teeth)
- Leaves (certain leaves taste disgusting, others (normally dry/dead ones) are much better)
- Blood (hasn't everyone)
- Rubber
- Erasers
- Those ‘do not eat’ things you find in packets with things that have to stay dry. [I think they’re like moisture thingys, they take moisture from the air, idk] (Crunchy, I loved them when I was little)
- nail polish (dried) (my room smelt of nail polish for nearly a month, I have inhaled too many fumes) (Sharpies smell so similar, I love them for that)
- dry dog food (I ate so much of that as a kid, very yummy)
- candle wax. when i'm making candles, after i've poured them, i put a bit of my finger in the leftover, still hot, wax. i wait for it to cool then kinda peel it off before consuming it :3
What I've tried (i.e. just a lick/bite)
- Rust
- Rocks
- Glue (the other kind, the more liquidy one) (tastes different, didn't really like it)
- Dirt
- Nut from a gumtree (would not recommend, it is disgusting)
- Sand (crunchy)
- Hand sanitizer (not too bad, but I wouldn't have it again)
- Play-doh (homemade) (very salty, don't like it)
- Kinetic sand (Just like sand, no flavour, I was disappointed honestly)
- Random white powder on the floor at school in the science block (it was yummy) (would do again) (I didn't actually know what it was, but I could kinda guess, so I knew it would either taste sweet, or disgusting, and it was sweet, so I'm safe) (okay I half knew what it was, ‘homemade’ (cough cough, school-made) sherbet)
What I'd like to eat:
- Rat/mouse (I saw a video of a chef make a rat and offer it to people, and it didn't look too bad, mainly the bones would bug me) (this is the link to the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ejpw6k32Gs)
- a certain type of beads i own. they're called heishi beads i think
- proper skin. like an actual bite, muscle too. just imagine a human thigh. in the oven. like a roast. MMMM delicious. however, sadly. there are laws about cannibalism. and also i don't think society likes it that much
(Never personally have, but my brother bit one once and got the glowing thing in his mouth)
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θΔ solar_system θΔ
- Wires
- leaves
- those salt rocks that are left out to melt snow
- a lot of expired food (mother doesn’t throw out food/encourages us to eat it if there is no mold)
- soap
- plastic
- erasers
- graphite (pencil)
- wood (pencil and stick)
- colored pencils
- ink (from pen)
- paper
- hand sanitizer
- glue (stick and liquid variety)
- styrofoam
- flowers (random flowers in the lawn idk)
- grass
- hair (on accident and on purpose)
- random crumbs from the table
- metal (skinny/small pieces)
- sand
- gum
- stickers
- Calamine lotion (via lemon that I rubbed on my mosquito bite)
- cardboard
- lollipop (the wrapper and stick included)
- rubber (from a shoe)
- little plastic things on hoodie strings
- dry dog food
- sponge
- paint (acrylic, wall paint, oil paint, water colors)
- nail polish
- stuff to take nail polish off
- candle wax
- plastic plate
- plastic knife (particularly consumed)
- playdoh
- fingernails
- skin (from myself, I’m not a cannibal I promise
- blood
- fur
- glitter (do not try, it was terrible)
attempted to eat:
- a battery (ok, I didn’t try to actually consume it, I just chewed on it. There is now a chewed battery from last Halloween sitting in my friend’s closet.)
- blanket
- coins
- plastic gummy bears
- pony beads
- fabric
- leather (fake leather?)
- string
- glass
- rocks
- plate (not plastic)
- clay
- Legos
- metal (thicker metal)
- stuffed animal fluff
- bouncy ball
- gravel
- my arm (unsuccessful obviously)
- charger (chewed on)
Things I want to eat:
- gouache paint
- spackle (I call it wall frosting)
- Kandi
- sharpe
- my arm
- teeth
- snake skin
- tree bark
And more for all categories but I ran out of energy
my goodness. that's a lot, i am impressed :]
You have reminded me of a few other things I have eaten, so lemme just *updates blog*
by Hats 9999; ; Report
Yea TvT I may or may not have a slight problem /hj
by θΔ solar_system θΔ; ; Report
🌈🧪 p0pr0ckzz!! ⭐️🧃(the analog horror mf) 🍉
What fucking plot armor do you have /pos
You should be dead how have you not died
by 🌈🧪 p0pr0ckzz!! ⭐️🧃(the analog horror mf) 🍉; ; Report
I honestly don't know. I guess I just have a really strong immune system. Maybe I'm just so cool that an eternal being or something made me immortal.
by Hats 9999; ; Report
Hats 9999
Honestly, I’m surprised that I haven’t gotten sick from any of those things,
Me too what kinda plot armor do you have
by 🌈🧪 p0pr0ckzz!! ⭐️🧃(the analog horror mf) 🍉; ; Report