Everything always feels so far off sometimes. I know I'm going to achieve all my hopes and goals and dreams someday, but sometimes I can't comprehend just how near the future is. It always seems so far away until you really realize that the future is not as abstract as it seems. It's right around the corner most days, and it's coming faster than you think. I've always known that I'm going to open... » Continue Reading
Alright, so I just got a new handheld scanner, and OMG I am in LOVE! This is one of my all-time favorite, best purchases ever. Now I can upload all my artwork and make scans of everything! Every sketchbook I've ever owned has been shoved into a bin and I've always worried that they might succumb to mold or flood damage one day, so now I have the perfect way to preserve them! I plan on making an a... » Continue Reading
He's here!! The mini moon that's joined our orbit arrived yesterday. Isn't he cute?? The idea of him makes me so emotional. He'll be here only for a short time until November 25th, then he's off to continue his journey, and to see many more things, many more corners of the universe. Let's celebrate while he's here! » Continue Reading
It wasn't the main focus, but I had a dream last night that I was shot through the heart and died, and in reality I felt real, tangible pain, like getting hit super hard with a wooden paddle. I've died in dreams before, so that didn't startle me, but I heard my mom's voice calling for me as everything started to fade to white, and the thought of that happening in real life made me sad. » Continue Reading
I went to sit in at a new cafe today and I had a ROBOT deliver me my coffee. He was so cute, kind of like an oversized Roomba. He slid right on up to me and allowed me time to get my drink. It was cute, but also kind of freaky. I never even knew we had technology implemented like that in the states! Now I know how older people feel when they keep introducing new technology, ahaha » Continue Reading
I've been listening to a lot of Intig and the Cry of Fear soundtrack while making my latest assignment for class. It's the perfect soundtrack for work. The reverb makes my ears melt. Right now I'm listening to Life Wasted. " Get me out of here... " » Continue Reading
It was nearing two in the morning and I left my dorm building with an energy drink in hand. I rather spontaneously decided to do it on the way back from the vending machines. I took a walk around the block, not as cold as I'd expected to be in November. On the way back, I looked across the intersection towards what I thought would be a nice photo composition. The sidewalk across the street, from t... » Continue Reading
Sometimes I enjoy the anonymity of the internet, where I can be myself without fear of fumbling or overthinking every interaction I have. It's still a delicate thing, but at least I have time to think and time to formulate my best response and put my best foot forward. In reality, I wish I could be around more extroverted peers, or be on a campus with more excitement! It's almost like the atmosphe... » Continue Reading