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Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

Let's Start Today

Everything always feels so far off sometimes. I know I'm going to achieve all my hopes and goals and dreams someday, but sometimes I can't comprehend just how near the future is. 

It always seems so far away until you really realize that the future is not as abstract as it seems. It's right around the corner most days, and it's coming faster than you think. I've always known that I'm going to open my own production company one day, and I'm going to make all those animations and stories I've developed over the years, but I sometimes forget that that moment is coming soon, and I need to prepare! It finally feels within reach! Everything seems to be falling into place lately. Development is going well, I feel inspired, and it feels like every possible answer I need is just coming to me. Praise His name!

If I want that future, I have to work for it, and this is the perfect day to begin. It's all working out, so now I have to take and appreciate that opportunity being granted to me and never let it go. It's all within reach, and if I want it, then I have to take it, so let's start today!

2 Kudos


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