Night of February 10th, 2022 This is titled back from the dead but who knows how long or how well that will last. This site is just another reminder of how uninteresting and uninspired I am. Dont get me wrong, I like the site but it relies on original posts and frequent discussion and that's just not a strong suit of mine. But also this is just another example of my desire to be Special when real... » Continue Reading
Night of May 3rd, 2021. 3:25am TW vent, SH, ED Lately, I've been really struggling with staying in the present. I have been focusing so much on what I want to do in the future that I've gotten stuck within my present situations. I keep having to remind myself that everything takes time and that I can't, and shouldn't, rush into the future. But this stuck feeling, this standstill of sorts, causes m... » Continue Reading
Night of April 21st, 2021 5:18am I thought this might be a fun thing to blog about when I can't get to sleep. Just a little series about things I'm thinking about, sometimes coherent, sometimes just whatever weird shit comes to mind. I don't really have anything floating around in the old noggin at the moment. Crashing at my friend's house for the night, I have her kitten and my other friend's sno... » Continue Reading
Anyone else love DIY hair? I got into DIY hair about seven (7) years ago, the summer before my sophomore year of high school. I had asked my mom to give me an undercut, so I could cosplay Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan. The cosp » Continue Reading