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Category: Life

Cat Ass Trophy

I definitely deserve the Cat Ass Trophy award for Catastrophizing Everything. I certainly feel like I've shown my ass after a thing passes and it ends up being not as bad as I expect. I will get over this at some point, maybe after this most recent time. Things are never as bad as I expect them to be. I let my anxiety get the better of me too easily. I have gotten over my anxiety on many fronts but I definitely have work left to do. 

I am so incredibly grateful that I was wrong this most recent time, though. My baby, Heather, my 2002 Honda CRV, she lives on! I feared the repair would be too expensive, it was still more than I can afford but it was less than expected. My grandpa helped me with a Credit so I can pay it back over the next few months. I love that car so damn much. I am so happy. I am a dramatic ass bitch. Goddamn. I do need to have a censor repaired and windshield replaced, but she is otherwise operational. Can't wait to take her on short trips to family and friends. Wish I could get her to teleport, that would be cool. There's somewhere I would be this weekend if I could. Alas, I have not yet figured that out. Though I did briefly think I could maybe time travel with her possibly broken clock when I was #goingthroughit. Didn't exactly work the way I wanted but having the clock be an hour ahead bc of daylight savings does make it feel like I have sometimes when I feel like I'm running behind lol 

Sorry for showing my ass and catastrophizing, I'll work on it. I promise.

p.s. Cat Ass Trophy is a phrase I came up with freshman year of high school and I drew a handful of pictures of cat asses during this time lol

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