When they release spacehey groups I genuinely will just die like its gonna be so cool imma be out here literally adding myself to anything I remotely like just because how cool this community is =] » Continue Reading
Self Care + Growth Ill be honest, I didn't do much! I spent the day just focusing on myself and having a me day=] BUT i am planning to grow a bean so I've left it to soak for 24 hours so then I can sow it to make a bean plant because I felt like it, haha =] » Continue Reading
okay like I know its still colder but look at this pic I took a few mornings ago... like im super excited for spring and summer! I want it n o w » Continue Reading
Happy Friday! I won't lie to you, today has felt normal. I don't think you guys know how long it's been since I've had a normal day! =] It must have been well over a year... » Continue Reading
I hope you're having a good day! If not, then tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start. Do that thing you've wanted to do for a while! If it doesn't work out, then hey you tried! Thats one new piece of life experience that you would've gained instead of sitting around wondering if you should do it. Don't worry about if it won't work out, im sure by next » Continue Reading
For around 10 years now, Facebook and Instagram have been two of the biggest household names for social media sites. Having social media at the time was very much a mandatory thing socially, as if you weren't on social media, how are people able to contact you? » Continue Reading
Recently I decided to take up an entire month of lockdown being social media free! I won't lie to you, sometimes it was lonely, but overall I would say that the experience was honestly one of the best things I've done for myself in years! » Continue Reading
Time to post into the void! Lockdown was definitely weird for me, as when lockdown started for the first time I was only just discovering the world and becoming more independent and confident in myself, and then as soon as I start to finally enjoy the independence I get stripped of it once more XD I was just starting to make new friends, go to new places and just explore new parts of life that I h... » Continue Reading
im so excited for this summer! like honestly, its gonna be great. I saw people for the first time in weeks and it was so cool! I said hey and everything. I totally wanna reconnect/connect with old and new friends in the next few months as this summer is going to be the best! » Continue Reading