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"Losing it"

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[Journaling](Day 13) Kids Will Be Skeletons

Category: Life

Thursday. I really feel like have little to say. As the offspring sang, the kids aren't alright. Neither am I. Disclaimer, I am not writing this in a proper mindset. Midnight's rarely been closer. I have so much sharp stuff on my desk that it's a miracle I'm still not bleeding. Might change by the end of this post, though. The day started off pretty boring. We started with algorithmics, which was ... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 12) I know neither where I am nor where I am not.

Category: Life

This has been... A Wednesday, for lack of better words. Got up at 7, as always, breakfast, bus, yaddi yadda, usual. Got to class 10 mins early, so I took some time to drop my stuff at my table and take another "bathroom break". Y'know. Anyways, we started off with Computer Architecture, which was really interesting. We worked on circuitry and balances. Really fun stuff. I've always loved circuits ... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 11) Rise your hammer high!

Category: Life

Holy hell I am having an aneurysm Anyways! Worst starting day to best ending day. Got up at 0630 for a class at 0730. Way too early. Student abuse. But then, things took a nice turn, as I realized I had only 2 hours of classes this morning. AND the English class in the afternoon got delayed to a couple days later. Which means, only 2 hours of classes. Great. Aaaaaaand they were the most grueling o... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 10) SPACE WIZARDS

Category: Life

Whew, boy. What a week. And it's not even Tuesday (Might be by the time I end this post.) Started it all like all Mondays start. Poorly. I HATE Mondays. I fucking HATE Mondays like I hate little else. Sped me up so I could get to school early; 15 minutes before classes started at 0800. I didn't want to get there too late. We waited 30 MINUTES. In front of the room. Cause they were setting up the m... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 9) You better get ready to die!

Category: Life

Day 9! And what a day! Woke up at the early hour of fuckknows, but I think it was close to 1050, or something close. Got to my computer about instantly, paused, and looked around. Then I set up my playlist to blast on my hi-fi system and proceeded to clean the entirety of my flat. Like, the entirety. Did the dishes, washed the dirty clothes, took out the trash, swept the floor... This is more than... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 8) You should eat a salad!

Category: Life

Day 8. This is it. Start of a new week of blogging. Shout out to my best pal for getting me in it. I still feel like a twat for mindlessly copying her idea, showing a notable lack of a distinct personality, but what can you do. I take what I can. Human mimetism and whatnot. As far as I don't follow her in whatever furry idea she has. I know you'll read this, but you haven't gotten to me yet! I'll ... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 7) Do robots dream of electric sheep?

Category: Life

We've done it, then. Blogging for a week about my life. Do I feel better? No. Do I feel more at ease? No. Did it bring me anything good? Absolutely not, except. It's one habit I'll impose on myself. I can't focus on other things, so let's try this, why don't I. So far I've stuck to it. Next week will be the trial. If there's a single point I miss, you can assume I failed at self-discipline and I'm... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 6) Frage ich auch mich.

Category: Life

This day was a fucking trainwreck. Got the luck of starting a couple hours later, our algorithmics teacher was still sick. Now did I get more sleep or not, I don't know. Still, I get to see the sunlight when I wake up, which is something I really enjoy. Got to class in the cold, really cold, and was very happy to get inside the building. Rushed up to my class, something called Expression Technique... » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

Some people have fears. Most, if not all do. Some few have managed to not fear anymore, and some others were born in such a way they couldn't feel fear. Fear is a complicated topic. A lot of people fear death, rightfully. Death is a scary place, should you account for all that it entails. Yet it is far from the more widespread ones. They are surprisingly simple in most cases, yet valid nonetheless... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 5) Why hell do I wish I was not here right now.

Category: Life

Another day, another night. Pointless. One long day later, I sit here, about to faint asleep. Let's run over it all. Started at 8, too early for my tastes, and got a lesson on binary floating-point representation. Blergh, probably my least favourite topic of the entire year in this class. So I paid about as much attention as I do in English lessons. Followed it up with some time spent on a couch w... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 4) I'd fare better drunk.

Category: Life

Welp, that was certainly an... Uninteresting day. Woke up at 7 expecting to go to class, prepared myself a proper breakfast, ate, was getting ready to get dressed... And got a message saying the teacher was sick and we didn't have classes. Went back to sleep with a grunt. I mean come on, got to wake up like 5 hours before I would've on a Tuesday. Fucking hell. Managed to catch a couple hours of re... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 3) Boy, do I hate mondays.

Category: Life

It was a Monday like every regular Monday, dare I say. Off to a poor start, first thing of the day is one of these seemingly endless MCQs I have had to pass every Monday since the beginning of the year. Went somewhat okay, Algorithmics was hard but doable, Math was a pain (should've worked yesterday), and physics, electronics, English, and computer architecture went without a hitch. At least I hop... » Continue Reading

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