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Category: Life

[Journaling](Day 4) I'd fare better drunk.

Welp, that was certainly an... Uninteresting day.

Woke up at 7 expecting to go to class, prepared myself a proper breakfast, ate, was getting ready to get dressed... And got a message saying the teacher was sick and we didn't have classes. Went back to sleep with a grunt. I mean come on, got to wake up like 5 hours before I would've on a Tuesday. Fucking hell. Managed to catch a couple hours of rest, and then I just woke up at 11 to spend an hour and a half doing fuck all.

Got on my way then, and grabbed my bike for once. Yeah, biking with rangers is not the most efficient thing to do, but I got there eventually. Eventually. Took me about 4 more minutes than it does usually. But damn if I don't look cool with them boots.

Arrived for a glorious English lesson. Woo. As you can read by my posts, I think it is safe to assume teaching me how to conjugate a verb to the future in English is the least of my worries. The thing is, teacher's such a cunt I got no choice but to pretend to pay attention. Fucking hell. At the break between the 2 hours, took a minute to cut a couple times and finally got around to asking the headteacher about the psychological support I could get. Either a religious home or a governmental office that apparently has waiting times longer than an English class. Fucking hell. Speaking of, got back for an hour of pain, then just went away to work on a presentation for Thursday. Economy and Communism. Sure.

Took an hour and a half to get it over with, went home afterward. Biking by night is not an issue but the temperatures really don't help me not freeze my fingers off. Still, managed to get back. Worked on my practicals for a big part of the evening, and stopped at around 2230 to get a shower and get something to eat. Didn't eat a thing since breakfast, and the hunger started to get felt. So I made some pasta and chicken. Easy to make, easy to cook. Now I'm fed and about to hit the bed.

This one will be a shorter entry than usual, as I feel like I've said the most I had to say here. On better news, Haken's on a tour in the next few months and I might get the chance to catch a concert by early march. That's pretty great in my book.

This day brought me about fuck all but more cuts. I literally got nowhere today. Bloody hell. At least I now have a useless flyer for that religious home they want to send me to so I can get help. Sure. About as good an idea as my parents.

It is then tired that I end this shortened post. I have very little to say and that saddens me, but I haven't seen anything interesting today, so it'll have to do.

Goodnight, lone reader. I wish you the best of dreams, should you still have any.

So paint that picture to sleep at night
No regard for another's life
We'll be just fine, you and I - Zagreus, Periphery

Laporte, signing off. Until next time.

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