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"Losing it"

Watching time fly by

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[Journaling](Day 25) It's already too late

Category: Life

Wow, Tuesday! So cool! That was sarcasm. Slept until 1000. Wanted to sleep more, but couldn't manage. Fuck. So I got up and lollygagged around for the better part of the morning. Prolly tweeted a couple stupid things. Left the house at 12:30 in the end, after eating a bowl of cereal. During the bus ride, my mother sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to Hellfest this year. It got me distracted ... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 24) Well, well, well. If it isn't sussy jack.

Category: Life

fuck them mondays boy fuck em to hell and back I'll die to go to hell and tell monday to fuck itself and then come back to die again and bully monday again fuck mondays anyways shitty mcq this morning but i think i did well shitty math class (death of my remaining braincells) was interesting nonetheless shitty nonproductive 2h break new practical about chess this time the SAN notation » Continue Reading

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[Journaling?](Day 23) That's what you get!

Category: Life

Hardly a thing to say of today. I did fuck all, once more. I could copy past my day 2 entry and it would be all the same. I rediscovered my love for Paramore, and I am right. Paramore is great. I love Paramore. Also, Hayley fits in the broad category of goals . Though I'll be frank my standards are as low as my stamina. I really have nothing to say. Took a nice, long shower, I needed that. Ate som... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 22) Streets with strange names that I've seen before

Category: Life

Hell yea Today was one hell of a day, once again. Got up at around 10, wanting to go to the protest this morning at 11, but I couldn't get out of bed, so I didn't. Gamed for a while around noon and some more, then got around to cleaning my flat again. I was done by 15. I spent the next approx 90 mins working on my lessons for fucking Monday's fucking MCQ. Fuck it. AAAAA Around 17, I went out to ge... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 21) You're in ruins

Category: Life

Forgot about this one again. This day was, by all accounts, inconsequential. Got to class at 13 since we started late. 3 hours of math actually went by kinda fast, crazy how interesting classes can be when you're well rested. Vector Spaces are way cooler in your mind than on paper though. Oh well. I did feel bad for not paying attention all the way through, though. But Friday evenings are bad. Rea... » Continue Reading

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— 1 Kudos

[Journaling](Day 20) Thick Skull

Category: Life

Gee golly gee, almost forgot about that one. Got to class tired, had a class where I was tired, had another class tired, and I was tired. The afternoon came, I did fuck all but be tired, and play some Stanley Parable. A masterpiece. And then I spent like 2 hours listening to the soundtrack. Hell yea. Russian class. I like Russian. An interesting language. I can't write Russian for shit and I have ... » Continue Reading

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[^Journalism](Day 19) For Those Who Have Heart

Category: Life

Switching up formulas for once. This won't be a journal. I'm not here to recount my day, which has been utterly insignificant. I'm here to tell you how the world is going to shit. How it's all spiraling out of control I never had. It's never been up to me. It's always been a question of everything else. Tonight is the night I speak. I am a liar. A cheat, a fraud, call me however you like. I have n... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 18) I laughed the loudest, who'd have known?

Category: Life

Tuesday. Woke up at 6:30 with a headache. Slept under 5. Normal night. Got to school approximately on time, missed a bus but got the next one 10 minutes later. Sat there in the cold. Got to class. It was painful. So long. I was tired and unable to think and this wasn't helping. Algorithmics at this hour should be illegal. It's not. I barely survived the class. I had to work on myself to keep mysel... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 17) Am I still drunk on the memory of us?

Category: Life

Alright, what in the goddamn giggly fuck. I feel so close to Garfield in these moments. I HATE Mondays with a burning passion. Literally. That passion is currently aflame and constantly revived with more hatred. And then some more. MONDAY MORNING! Exams! Exams! EXAMS! A shitty MCQ! I hate this! I hate it so much! I prolly bombed the subjects I bombed on the last 2 MCQs! Fuck me! I am mediocre! The... » Continue Reading

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[Journalng](Day 16) Okay guys, what is going on. Napoleon is RIGHT at the borders.

Category: Life

I hate sundays Like I don't hate them like mondays but I hate sundays for sure There's something about them being so painful to me I'll start off at the beginning Got up early, before 10 Started working, or at least I tried to Every time I open up my classes, there's this nagging feeling of never being enough Because I know I ain't perfect and I know I'll never be, so what's the point But then the... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 15) I keep heawing voices inside of my head... they teww me to eat my VEGGIES...

Category: Life

Sorry about yesterday, I came home at midnight half drunk. Eating not a lot before drinking a small lot helps. More on that later. Started off by getting up early. Around 0810. Got up and dressed in an extremely and disappointingly normal way. No punk chains, no leather boots, no nothing but a plain pair of pants, and a polo shirt with my school's logo on it. Today's the open day. Didn't eat in th... » Continue Reading

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[Journaling](Day 14) Running through my head

Category: Life

Week 2 is over. For some reason, it went faster than I expected. Or, more accurately, I didn't see it passing by. Looking back, it doesn't feel like it's been another week. It has been, however. a lengthy and painful week, living through it. I apologize for the breakdown, yesterday. I was a bit tired. But I wasn't completely delusional, and I did say some accurate things. I'll change the format. F... » Continue Reading

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