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Category: Life

[Journaling](Day 9) You better get ready to die!

Day 9! And what a day!

Woke up at the early hour of fuckknows, but I think it was close to 1050, or something close. Got to my computer about instantly, paused, and looked around. Then I set up my playlist to blast on my hi-fi system and proceeded to clean the entirety of my flat. Like, the entirety. Did the dishes, washed the dirty clothes, took out the trash, swept the floor... This is more than I've done since like... Last year. Now, it feels like my flat is twice as big as it used to be, and so much cleaner. I may not have a good time living, but I'll still have a better time.

Apart from that, not much in store. I got around to working on my maths, algorithmics, and the rest. I had a really tough time getting to it, and I didn't get to learn much because I was completely unable to focus, but hey. Better than nothing. Did do some groceries, and bought some bread, milk, and tangerines. 

Ah, and I also got a call from my parents. Fucking hell was that not nice. I hate it every time and they manage to make it even worse every time.

This will be my shortest entry as of yet, because, between gaming, studying, and cleaning, I've done nothing worthy of note. Didn't even get this many of the thoughts. I was too distracted with the rest.

I have a big math exam tomorrow. Let's hope it does well. I'll try and remember to leave my blades at home. Let's hope it does well. If it doesn't...

This day brought me a much tidier flat, and about nothing worthy of note.

The good news is, I'll go to sleep fed and clean. Made myself a real meal for once.

I'm hoping all the more to wake up as a different person. It's getting worse. Or better? Who's to say?

It is very tired that I end this post. Kinda stressed. Under pressure. Whole she-bang.

Good night, lone reader. Here's to another one of these long weeks.

Have no fear for life is short
And death will take us all
So when that bastard comes for us
We'll meet him standing tall - Rage Of The Pentahook, Alestorm

Laporte, signing off. Sweet dreams, friend.

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