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I made some new graphic design ♥
Category: Art and Photography
it's the sheriff of nottingham and cardinal richelieu i hope you like it » Continue Reading
"downing antidepressants like they're candy"
there will come soft rains
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Category: Art and Photography
it's the sheriff of nottingham and cardinal richelieu i hope you like it » Continue Reading
Category: Web, HTML, Tech
the links to most of my background images had broken because i modified my filesource without actually updating them (oops) so it should be better now. i also hosted a couple more on my own neocities rather than relying on external sites to keep em up hope it stays fixed now, my plaid had disappeared entirely xD » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
can you remember a time before you were defined entirely by other people? for reals? how much of you now is you, absent fighting and reclaiming and struggling and adhering? what parts of you are a response to trauma? would you be rid of them if you could? » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
It is so great to see people thriving on here. I was hugely into the original myspace, to the level of planning out meeting up with strangers as a teen (we outsmarted them by showing up as a group lol) and following "fashion blogs" that turned out to be, like, eastern european lingerie stores. It's funny how much less safe the internet is, now, but the danger has changed; people are less likely to... » Continue Reading
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
i made a dangerboat meme Dangerboat is a queer icon, my favourite character in The Tick, and voiced by Alan Tudyk. There's nothing *not* to love. » Continue Reading
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
🐯HAPPY YEAR OF THE TIGER KING 🐅 ~free joe exotic~ » Continue Reading
Category: Friends
Happy Lunar New Year friends! Please enjoy this retro 2010 Year of the Tiger glittergif xD glitter-graphics.com » Continue Reading
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Category: Art and Photography
i did a new drawing yesterday (dated wrong) » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
/*==========⚠️========== * for colors go to https://htmlcolorcodes.com/color-names * for fonts go to https://fonts.google.com * for cursors go to https://icons8.com , https://custom-cursor.com , https://www.cursors-4u.com ============⚠️==========*/ /*=== cursors ===*/ a:hover{ cursor: url('https://cur.cursors-4u.net/cursors/cur-10/cur966.cur'), auto; } * { cursor: url('https: » Continue Reading
Category: Writing and Poetry
Argent was not really sure if they wanted to procreate in this lifetime. Lecture upon lecture of the biological imperative, performed by their father and echoed by their mother after his father had lost his grip onto the mortal coil and shot off into the void of the » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
I've spent a huge part of the past year banned from Facebook for random reasons, and have been trying to recreate that immediate serotonin release of a constantly updating newsfeed with hundreds of active friends. I ended up stuck on twitter, which with my current settings only shows me new posts when they're posted and I scroll up to the top of the feed, so I can actually run out of posts to read... » Continue Reading