What is asexuality? Asexuality is when someone feels sexual attraction towards no gender, even though they might have a healthy, functioning reproductive system that has all the stimuli that they need. This sounds like a simple and coherent phenomenon to learn about, but why is it misunderstood by so many people? Well, it seems as though their are a lot of misconceptions revolving around asexualit... » Continue Reading
The Ghost of Kiev is now generally reputed to be an urban legend regarding a fictional Ukrainian fighter pilot known to operate a MiG-29 Fulcrum that doesn’t actually exist. Here’s why that doesn’t matter. The Ghost of Kiev is not a person to look up to with admiration and respect, but an idea that is meant » Continue Reading
Having OCD sucks. It takes up one’s energy unnecessarily. It compels people to do things against their will. And it causes an enormous amount of distress. It’s like having a gun pointed to the head. It is a monster. It is a thief of time. But the worst part about OCD is that is not very well-understood. In fact, there are a lot of stigmatizing ideas about it that exacerbate the pain of living with... » Continue Reading
My brother, he glows like a star so bright. My brother, he guides me to the light. My brother, he is the source of our pride. My brother, for he spreads his arms out wide. My brother, I greatly enjoy his embrace. My brother, for it is sweeter than any fruit I could taste. My brother, he is the source of my strength. My brother, for he encourages patience no matter the length. My brother, he made m... » Continue Reading
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed citizens of our great nation, I stand before you today with a profound sense of duty and a steadfast commitment to the ideals that define our country. As I announce my candidacy for the highest office in the land, I am humbled by the trust and support of the American people, and I am deeply honored to have the opportunity to serve you as President of the United State... » Continue Reading
What do Palestinians and Irishmen have in common? They both have a history of dealing with colonialism at the hands of the British and oppression at the hands of supremacist states. They both have a history of fighting guerrilla wars against military occupiers. They both have a » Continue Reading
In a previous article that I wrote about feminism, I explained how Anita Sarkeesian’s talking points changed how I perceived feminism but failed to explain why I chose to reject misogyny when it was popular for Christians to embrace it. This Inter » Continue Reading
What are the three principles of the dogma formula and how do they work? To understand the three key principles behind dogma, first, we must learn what dogma really is all about deep down to its core. Dogma is when a principle or set of principles is established by an individual person or collective of people as indisputably true, often with unquestioning authority as a higher power. As you can im... » Continue Reading
What is progressivism and what is its relationship with the three principles of social justice? Progressivism is when one embraces social reform for the sake of the greater good and observes the world from a non-essentialist perspective. A person who genuinely holds this point of view to be the truth is called a progressive. They understand that humans are not intrinsically inclined to do harm to ... » Continue Reading
The Problem with the discourse on police reform is that the minute someone on the Left says that American police stations need to be abolished because the American criminal justice system is an inherently unjust system, a bad-faith actor on the Right can disingenuously paint their opposition as being against the very idea of having a policing system in place. We need to change that. Don’t get trap... » Continue Reading
JoCat has gotten into a controversy revolving around a rap song and people are berating him for his rap song because his rap song sexually objectifies women. Before I give any further commentary, I want to make it clear that I condemn sexual objectification wherever I can find it. But are these claims true? Do they actually have any merit of their own? The only way to find out would be to break do... » Continue Reading