Prior to the year 2014, I was a typical Evangelical Christian who grew up in a conservative home. As a Christian, I was incredibly hostile towards the idea of feminism. The reason for that was largely because of radical feminists that conservatives, especially fundamentalist Christian conserva » Continue Reading
On January 6, 2021, an armed mob of militant Trump supporters launched an Anti-Bureaucratic Revolution-style self-coup attempt on the United States Capitol building. But where exactly did this attack on America’s democracy come from? Was it a random event that the president » Continue Reading
In an article for The Guardian titled, “There is No Such Thing as Western Civilization,” the philosopher Kwame Anthony Appiah noted that for the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, there was no such thing as “the West.” He categorized the globe into three continents: Europe, Asia, and Libya. Her » Continue Reading
Have you ever hated your job? Have you ever felt that your boss was overbearing on you? Have you ever felt that you were not being properly compensated for your hard work but couldn’t do anything about it because you had no say? If you said yes, chances are you’re being robbed. Alternatively, chances are, you’re being robbed, but you don’t know it. » Continue Reading
Fiscally conservative, socially liberal is an oxymoron. Here’s why. To be fiscally conservative is to oppose economic reform while also being opposed to government intervention in general. For socially liberal policies to work, that requires a lot of economic reform and government intervention to be put in place. Being fiscally conservative is antithetical to those practices. » Continue Reading
First-Past-the-Post voting is a terrible idea. On paper, the candidate getting to win an election with the most votes sounds like a fair and straightforward type of voting system. In practice, what you actually have is a plurality being favored at the expense of the majority. How could this be? Why would a plurality be favored at the expense of the majority? » Continue Reading
What do I plan to do for my life? What is my vision for the future? I would like to be a man of the truth. I would like to establish a future for my children in a world where false information and propaganda is dominant. I would like to show them how to understand what is right and what is wrong. I would » Continue Reading
What is the difference between empathy and endorsement? Empathy is when you have the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Endorsement is when you agree with the beliefs or support the actions of another. You can have the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person without necessarily agreeing with their beliefs or supporting their actions. How is this possibl... » Continue Reading
I believe that a man needs to be in complete control over his own mind. He needs to be above acting on impulses. He must not be a slave to his mind. His mind must be a tool for him. He needs to have total control over his own mind. Not just for the sake of his own benefit, but for the sake of other people’s benefit as well. What’s the difference between an error and a mistake? Anyone can make an e... » Continue Reading
How do animals affect human behavior? What is it about animals that can change the personality of a human being? How do the feelings of animals correspond to the feelings of humans? Why are they so special to us? Are their feelings the same as ours? Animals have always been kept as pets for thousands of y » Continue Reading