Len Bast

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"im the one who's so inlove with YOU"

14 year old loser, Washington usa, pfp IS ACTUALLY ME NOW

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Mood: miss my crush

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should i stay chubby or try not to get a ED?

Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes

im trying to currently change and better myself in the upcoming months before I go to an alternative high school next school year so I can start fresh and when I do so not hate myself and make better choices for myself and how I live my life. I'm a more chubby curvy girl and although I'm fine with it and feel nice when people appreciate me for how I am in scene culture usually scene girls are skin... » Continue Reading

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5 Comments— 6 Kudos

am i fucked up for wanting a stalker?

Category: Romance and Relationships

I'm really odd and unwell. I understand this and that as a trait of my constant need for any type of love, affection, attention, or idolization.  I think of things that are really messed up, even if they're things that I'd never encourage or would either be afraid or grossed out about if they actually happened.  stalking is one of these things, stalking is gross and wrong and its really understand... » Continue Reading

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1 Comment— 4 Kudos

song lyrics i wrote (plz tell me ur opions or criticisms)

Category: Writing and Poetry

I've been trying to self-teach lyrical writing for a few years, it isn't much but here are some verses I came up with and might use at some point in a full song. plz tell me ur opinions and thoughts :3 {Intro} tired day and night everything's been hard since you're gone the light has left my eyes 300 times  yet I'm still here, breathing tired all the time, it seems like the only thing I do is cry ... » Continue Reading

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loser shit 10/17/24

Category: Life

It's 2 am right now, I don't know how to write these or even have good grammar skills but might use it sometimes when I'm not journaling. still, no songs written that arent that punk riot grrrl lyrics shit I wrote a year ago for the band that broke up. I miss all my friends and how things used to be but it's my fault. all I seem to do is hate school, try my best to ignore Jasper, go home, do thera... » Continue Reading

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