This was long overdue ehehhh;; I didn't realize how many people had these so I'm making mine now yhyh DO NOT INTERACT/DNI PROSHIPPERS/DARKSHIPPERS (comshippers are okay as long as it's not illegal stuff) Anybody that's weird about true crime (ie people who sexualise/romanticise serial k » Continue Reading
This might just be for archive purposes, buuuut. Persona! For a while I've been trying to figure out how to get the URL since I'm on mobile and can't right click it or anything, and this is a local file so it doesn't have an original source. But thankfully, the T » Continue Reading
For the first time in a while, I went out with some friends. One of them was doing her media exam, and she needed some photography of some people who were willing to be models in her final project. Me and two others decided, why not? So we opted to do so. Only two of us were needed, the third one just came along for the hell of it. A little bit before we went to the actual park to get these photos... » Continue Reading
WARNINGS: Implied death/murder, fear of being eaten, eyestrain, SLIGHT/implied blood, visual depiction of panic/fear. Hihi I sketched this earlier this month at 2am on ibis and cleaned it up a little bit ago yaay » Continue Reading
When I was younger, I had an imaginary friend. Her name was Sandra and I was convinced she was a ghost. I didn't think it would make any sense that I would be talking to something that wasn't real. Even though now I don't believe in ghosts, I did back then. She had a friend called Tony, whom I also thought was a ghost. I never met Tony, but I remember my uncle would put on this raspy voice and say... » Continue Reading
Hii everyone !! It's been a while I know, I've just been very very tired recently ha! I have managed to muster up a few small drawings, however! They are all of my persona, as unfortunately my creativity is quite limited in my lessons! (Thank you to my modern-foreign-languages teacher for being cool and letting me draw in my vocab book!) » Continue Reading
I don't particularly enjoy the idea of growing up and moving on from things in life. I mean, I can't wait to have some freedom and control over my own life, but it's quite frightening. Another thing that's scary is how quickly some of my friends are making more friends. I'm not afraid of them leaving me behind, I wouldn't say. It's just scary, seeing how they can socialize and not be wary or afrai... » Continue Reading
I am a being of incomprehensible nature. My behavior is irrational and my existence is nothing short of confusing. I see the world through technicolor geometry, shapes and colours the human mind is incapable of grasping. I think in poetry and I speak through intricate melodies. My life is a paradox, it never started, yet it hasn't ended. At the same time, my world is a palindrome, always the same ... » Continue Reading
I've been so jumpy and easily afraid of images after that whole fiasco a few hours ago, haha! I'm glad I'm feeling better and took a break when I did, because now I can look on my sudden paranoia and laugh! It's quite silly, really. Is it fear of what I could be looking at, or fear that it could be harmful to other people? I don't know! That's okay, though. Sometimes we don't know things, and we d... » Continue Reading