For the first time in a while, I went out with some friends.
One of them was doing her media exam, and she needed some photography of some people who were willing to be models in her final project. Me and two others decided, why not? So we opted to do so. Only two of us were needed, the third one just came along for the hell of it.
A little bit before we went to the actual park to get these photos done, we went to the skatepark. It was empty and I was the one who suggested we should. I love skateparks. None of us skate, so we were just running around on the ramps and stuff. A bunch of teenagers running up the curves and trying to help each other, as if it was our greatest achievement in life.
I ran down one ramp to get momentum to run up one of the bigger ramps, and I fell as I was getting up it. I must have lost my balance or something from running. I know I didn't trip. One second I was up, and the next I was falling.
It was a metal ramp and a concrete ground. I fell face-first onto the curve of the ramp. Nothing bad happened. I burst my lip and I scraped my hands, and my knees were bruised. I was alright though, I didn't die or anything.
It didn't hurt, it was actually numb from the impact. I sat up and looked to my friends who were already catching up with me. "Am I bleeding?!" I asked, and yes. I was. The friend we were doing the photoshoot for thought I'd knocked my two front teeth out with how thick the blood was in my mouth. My teeth had knocked into my bottom lip, but they weren't out of place or anything.
We went to a café so we could get my face cleaned up, cause the blood clotted pretty quickly. It looked like my lip was black with the impact. I covered my mouth the whole time we were looking for the café so I didn't scare any kids we walked past. Whenever I talked I was spitting blood into my palm, so I eventually stopped. I didn't want to make anymore of a mess of myself.
We got to the toilets and initially I was afraid to look in the mirror. As I said before, my friend said I'd knocked my teeth out. I didn't, though. When I looked in the mirror, I only damaged my lip and I grazed my chin a little. It could have been confused for acne though, so the scrape didn't bother me much.
One friend stared at the wall so she didn't have to see the blood, one looked at me with sympathy, and the one doing the photoshoot was supplying me with tissues so I could wipe the blood away. My lip started swelling a little, but once I cleaned the clotted blood away it didn't look so bad.
We got ice-cream after that. It was a strawberry lemonade magnum ice-cream, which is basically like a lemon and strawberry popsicle with a chocolate coating.
Surprisingly, I didn't feel bad and it didn't hurt. I felt alive. Giddy. For the first time in what felt like forever, I was experiencing life like every other teenager in my school, or in my neighborhood. I don't go out often, and I hear about people getting hurt all the time. Breaking bones and getting into fights and all of that.
I never experienced that. And I think that day was the first time I felt like I was living like a normal, average teenager like everyone else. It was exciting and exhilarating. I got hurt, but it felt like a huge turning point in my life.
I'm not saying I want to get hurt in the future, but I hope I can experience similar things with my friends again. Maybe without the whole falling into a metal ramp next time.
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