Category: Blogging
School literally starts in 2 days and I've been staying up and sleeping at 6am everyday. (6am is literally when I get up.) Am I cooked💀🔨⁉️ » Continue Reading
"Living just to die"
she. U.S
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Category: Blogging
School literally starts in 2 days and I've been staying up and sleeping at 6am everyday. (6am is literally when I get up.) Am I cooked💀🔨⁉️ » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
Do y'all know those reddit stories that r just like "Am I in the wrong?" And it'll be something like "I told my daughter to move out bc she gave me attitude" dumb things like that. But they always woo u in by having a title like "I accidentally got with my step-sister while my parents were gone, 20 years later we're married with kids" LIKE WHAT?!! » Continue Reading