Do y'all know those reddit stories that r just like "Am I in the wrong?" And it'll be something like "I told my daughter to move out bc she gave me attitude" dumb things like that. But they always woo u in by having a title like "I accidentally got with my step-sister while my parents were gone, 20 years later we're married with kids" LIKE WHAT?!!

Weird reddit stories
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"AITA for kicking a homeless man in the head and then spitting on him and taking his change??" And then the comments are like "NTA he shouldnt have been in ur way"
No fr. There was one where it was like "AITA for yelling at my teen daughter for not wrapping her tampons/pads up 10 times and putting them in the bottom of the trash and putting a new trash bag in" LIKE YES U ARE WDYM.
by Mcsqueaker; ; Report