20/07/23 - Getting started?
Category: Life
20/7/23 - Getting Started Currently listening to: And One - Baby Company So, I figured I might use this space to write out my thoughts and to keep track of my mood » Continue Reading
"Doing work (money yay!)"
22 year old that hates web 3.0 lol
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Category: Life
20/7/23 - Getting Started Currently listening to: And One - Baby Company So, I figured I might use this space to write out my thoughts and to keep track of my mood » Continue Reading
Category: Fashion, Style, Shopping
Tuesday, 3/12/24 - Thick, wavy hair struggles! I'll probably have to make a reminder to myself to write an online diary or journal to keep track of my progress and my own emotions, honestly. I heard writing out whatever's in your head really helps to keep yourself sane, or I dunno, it probably helps me to boost up my writing skills after not writing for god knows how long. I t » Continue Reading
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Category: Religion and Philosophy
Never thought I'd say this but wow, socially isolating myself or leaving a chat group quietly really makes you wonder if people there actually gave a damn about you. I had a long brooding thought about this, and some of you might think, "Well, it's not a big deal. They're busy with their lives." I left during my random mental breakdown about my family/religion issue. It's kind of personal to discu... » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
I don't know if I'll ever be okay. I know this will read out like some stupid, dumb 2000s emo rant but, it's this feeling of neverending doom. No matter how many different types of medications I've tried to help reduce my symptoms, the side effects would end up biting my ass. Prozac? Suddenly not working and leading to my own impulsiveness. Paxil? Massive weight gain. Wellbutrin? It works for a wh... » Continue Reading