Making this to pin to my blog as a little get to know me type of thing ! Hello, I'm Riley! I'm 20 my birthday is August 13th and fun fact I was born on friday the 13th! I live in Washington State and I go to college. I am planning on switching to a Music Education major focusing on Elementary Education. I play percussion and I have for about 9 years, I also have been in choir for almost my whole l... » Continue Reading
I wish I didn't self sabotage my relationships. I think I am so afraid of being ignored, hurt, and abandoned that before anyone can do it to me I do it to them. There have been so many friendships I have ruined from this destructive behavior. I wish they would understand that I don't know why I do it, and by the time I realize what I've done it's too late. I wish someone cared enough to see throug... » Continue Reading
I literally don't know WHAT I did to an old friend that I didn't already apologize for to make her act this way towards me. So I went a little crazy as I tend to do in summer when school isn't in session, and unfollowed a friend who hadn't been in contact with me for awhile. Which isn't good way of coping btw it just made me feel worse, and I tried to reach out and explain and apologize and say ... » Continue Reading
I had to design a website for an assignment my freshman year of college and I wanted to share it here for people to check out. We had to pick a 'place' and we could get real abstract with it, picking a mental place or physical. I chose nostalgia because it seemed interesting and unique. I don't even remember how I managed it but I was able to tie it to Nostalgic Horror and thats what the website ... » Continue Reading
can anyone tell me how to put gifs/stamps or whatever on the sides of my profile? I cannot figure it out for the life of me and help would be so appreciated » Continue Reading
Currently staying at my Mom's house for a week! College doesn't start for like another 2 weeks so I have nothing to do but fuck around on the internet lol Got rid of my loft bed I've had since high school, I gave it to a friend of mine. I'm excited to not have it though! I found a cool new headboard for my bed frame I got too. I need a new desk and bookshelf since the ones I had were a part of the... » Continue Reading
the past few days I've found a handful of new bands to listen to! a band I found is called 'benches' and I love their sound, it reminds me a lot of Arctic Monkeys and IDKHOW. They're opening for another band from Ireland that I'm going to try checking out as well. I found a song 'Blueberry Skies' by Loser Company which is so good. It has a very grungy, Kurt Cobain vibe to it. Haven't listened to ... » Continue Reading