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"have i won the interwebs today good sir?"

transgay + 22. autism + adhd. black + white. est.

Mood: spacey

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extra about + dni?

Category: SpaceHey

ABOUT M E most everything you need to know is  already overshared on my blog but i figured i  should also make a little blog post as well... » Continue Reading

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my web collection

Category: Web, HTML, Tech

directory blinkies blinkies 2 stamps stamps 2 » Continue Reading

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nail on the head

Category: Life

red/pink eyeshadow actually kinda works really well like if youve been crying or have an unexpected cry? cus it blends in well with the puffiness, i thought i was gonna have to go through a whole process of a cold press to my face before i had to go back to work, but it honestly just looked okay, probably worse if you have a full blown sob + your eyes are all red but id reccommend it if you need t... » Continue Reading

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Category: Blogging

honest to god going through the blogs tab is insane it literally always is. its crazy cus theres always some transphobe ranting about how soft this new generation is while they shit their pants and throw up crying about how different things are now and how we're the real triggered ones as they make 40 blog posts about how not mad they are and how theyre the real unemotional analytical ones that ac... » Continue Reading

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frowney face

Category: Life

why am i so useless. i do think at times that peoples lives would just be easier if i was dead. or at least gone? like i know everyone says that but i think in my case its genuinely true. i get told i dont do shit around the house n that i need to do better often. at times i feel like id be more useful living out of my car. i think its true » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

im trying very hard not to let my supervisor get under my skin.. its just hard when im on my period again and it feels like some of the decisions that are made are unfair. ive been trying my best just to ignore him honestly and not take the criticisms towards what he should basically say are Lazier Workers to heart. i do my best at this job and while sometimes i might slack, i know that the kitche... » Continue Reading

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deeply disappointed

Category: Life

idk what to do about this situation. idk it all is so unfair n my little inner socialist is getting all bent out of shape over this stupid conversation... we had a meeting at work and we had an "open discussion" about this concern that someone had over us "stealing" food from the kitchen (that would be thrown away if not otherwise taken btw) and it went in kind of a sour direction. my one coworker... » Continue Reading

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minor inconvenience

Category: Life

me when i just want everyone to die atp its crazy lately how ill be doing literally fine and then someone does one thing and it makes me want the beauty of the world to disintegrate lol dw im not a danger or anything though im literally a transgender neet who just sits in his room all day but at the same time please justleave me alone. please just leave me alone ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹ » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

my anger and annoyance and rage lately have been such a problem but its ok its whatever its nothing its literally nothing. but why cant i just be left alone i want to crack rocks over peoples skulls just leave me alone! just leave me alone for real » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

i have another brilliant third idea » Continue Reading

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jo jo

Category: Life

there is just something wrong with me. im very unhappy! but its kind of an oh well type of thing. im tired for real but what can you do. itll still be my night girl. dont think too hard about it. my heart feels like its gonna spill over..... i hate music so much. i dont want to know anybody... if i spent the days with my head on the desk laid down with nobody to talk to itd be okay to be honest. n... » Continue Reading

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Category: Life

tbh it is my fault. i went into this with low expectations of myself n it just is reflecting that now. im sitting on my break rn just crying cus i feel like im so bad at this. to be honest i want to be normal like everybody else and i want to understand things faster . but i cant . i just have to live with it. poor me. i just want to cry and cry and cry and cry forever. i dont even want to eat and... » Continue Reading

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