Charles Darwin is a dead scientist, not a god to be prayed to. He is not looking down from heaven above, smiling on you and smiting those you deem undesirables. He is not sitting in front of pearly gates sorting out the epic sirs from the Idiocracy stars. He is laying in his grave, having completed important works for his time. » Continue Reading
Despite the holiday's bourgeois origins, let's honor a worker: today it's Hard Hat Harry . Remember seeing the commercials for this video in the 90s? Well, I found it online, so here you go. Happy Labor Day! p.s. found out from wikipedia that hard hat harry is openly gay, good for him » Continue Reading
i'm watching the nutshack again because i realized there's episodes i haven't seen i can't help it, it's so bad but also so of its time. it's like opening a time capsule. every now and then i revisit this. it's so homophobic but it's like, empowering because it's so bad i can just laugh at it. it's like a newgrounds fever dream in short, "Tito, Dick, Dickman baby" » Continue Reading
here's what i got from that one thrift store on Broadway the other day for like $3.50 total: Die Warzau - Big Electric Metal Bass Face ($1). Yep Body of Light - Time to Kill ($0.10). I can't believe this was 10 cents. I saw them tour for this album just a couple years ago. This » Continue Reading
I didn't wanna jump to conclusions because last time they "changed the formula" I honestly couldn't tell the difference, but wow this is just hell of not as good straight up » Continue Reading
On this blog I will not be acknowledging the existence of the virus. This is a roleplaying space in which I am pretending the virus does not exist. Please do not mention the virus. There never was a virus. I am not here, this isn't happening. Happy ordinary Wednesday everyone! » Continue Reading