I start college soon! (I hope)
Category: School, College, University
Who knew that going to 3 high schools would completely fuck my transcripts??? ^-^ » Continue Reading
19 year old - male
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Category: School, College, University
Who knew that going to 3 high schools would completely fuck my transcripts??? ^-^ » Continue Reading
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Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
This anime is insanely cute and I can't tell if it's a tear-jerker or if I'm just emotional. Episode 1: Their character designs and personalities do not line up and I LOVE IT. Rei is very chill and relaxed even though he looks up tight and even though he supposedly has a short temper it only shows w » Continue Reading
Category: Life
sighhhh. I feel like this isn't going to be a good year, I am not going into the new year optimistic, there's only one thing that would make me happy and I need to rely on that because clearly everything else is going to sh*t. I hope this year isn't as bad as it looks like it's going to be but there's no sign of improvement. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Today I got a ps4 with a blue and purple controller. I'm not sure how many families do this but my brother and I are usually allowed to open 1 gift on Christmas Eve. Today was okay for the most part, a bit stressful but I really appreciate my gift. my family always seems to argue on holidays .... I hate it. I am a bit excited for tomorrow. if I'm being honest I didn't think that I actually got a p... » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Today was okay, not good or bad just okay. I don't feel horrible but my collar bones feel weird. I've been listening to music all night, I really liked the broccoli and potatoes that I made, I'm going to eat more tomorrow. I want to start posting anime/move reviews and recipes but I haven't been cooking much lately. I'll just eventually post some of my favorites. I'm going to sleep soon. Nothing i... » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Life
Today is my mom's birthday and I forgot, I only know because I overheard it. My dad was okay today, if could've been better, it could've been worse. Some people in my life are making me sad but I'm doing what's best for me. No one seems to appreciate of care about me but that's okay, if I have nothing I still have myself. I appreciate the world and how it is. I want to go outside but I can't becau... » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
I feel so sad. Ash and Pikachu are no longer the main characters of the Pokemon series and there will be a new main character/main pokemon. It's nice that they're branching out but that's it for all of the old characters including team rocket. In a recent episode Ash met back up with his Butterfree Pokemon that he let free. I feel happy and sad at the same time I kind of wished that Ash and Pikach... » Continue Reading
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Category: Romance and Relationships
I want a boyfriend so bad. My body and mind craves it. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
i haven't been active for a while because of a wrist injury and it hurt to type but I'm updating because I'm really worried about where my life is headed. Everything is so scary. I'm going to refer to this guy as a "stranger" and be very vague but I'm worried that since the person he's dating that looks like me and has a similar name that's trying to break up with him... I'm worried that when they... » Continue Reading
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Category: Blogging
excessive typing hurts so I won't be doing that.... I'm just putting this here to put it on my blog and i feel negatively about my day today that's all » Continue Reading
Category: Life
I can officially say that today was a bad day, not horrible but it still wasn't very pleasant. overall today has been very uncomfortable and energy draining, I know tomorrow will be better and I'll enjoy tomorrow more. I'll definitely make better choices tomorrow but there was just certain things that had to be done today. I didn't really enjoy how the day went and hopefully it doesn't end on a so... » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
Today was really interesting, not like anything happened today but socially it was a bit weird... I probably need to improve my social skills. I don't really see the appeal of persistent sex jokes but my acquaintances do so I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. I interact with a lot of different people everyday so I'm sure my social skills will improve ^-^. I'm honestly not sure how to distingui... » Continue Reading