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"Partner Application!!!111!!!"

Category: Romance and Relationships

If you post "partner application" Google surveys you're cringe. Unless you're purposely looking for a relationship that'll last a few weeks at most, you aren't going to find any people who you'll actually have a connection with unless you're extremely lucky. Just make friends and work into a relationship from there once you decide you have a connection with them. It'll be a lot more productive. » Continue Reading

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Glam Metal Haters DNI

Category: Music

People who say that glam metal is the worst type of metal are so confusing. How can glam metal be the worst when METALCORE exists? METALCORE!! Metalcore is FINE but if we had to rank the main subgenres of metal, it would go like this, 1 being the best and 10 being the worst.  1- Heavy metal 2- Black metal 3- Death metal 4- Glam metal 5- Power metal 6- Thrash metal 7- Slud » Continue Reading

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Satanic Panic

Category: Religion and Philosophy

As much as I enjoy letting people believe that I'm the type of Satanist who worships the Devil and curses everybody who wrongs me, a lot of people are actually interested in what Satanism is and what we do, so I'm going to info-dump and label it as a learning opportunity. There are different paths of Satanism but the one I'm going to be discussing specifically here is LaVeyan Satanism, founded by ... » Continue Reading

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I'm Such An Empath (JK)

Category: Life

I feel bad for people who don't know how to talk about themselves or don't feel as if they're interesting. How do you just not like talking about yourself? You should be the most interesting person in your life. » Continue Reading

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Brimstone Cross (+ Aliases)

Category: Religion and Philosophy

What I love especially about the Leviathan cross (Brimstone cross, Satan's cross, whichever you prefer. I use them interchangeably because all its alias' represent the same message) is the origin. I think it's totally badass. In the bible, there are three main mentions of Brimstone (now known as sulphur) and in all three of these mentions, it's made up to be seen as a representation of Hell - 'bur... » Continue Reading

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Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth

Category: Religion and Philosophy

I wanna talk a lot about my religion today so here we go. First off, let's go through the Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth! 1 - Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked. 2 - Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them (Satan says 'no trauma-dumping!') 3 - When in another's home, show respect or don't go there. 4 - If a guest in your home annoys you, t... » Continue Reading

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You Are Your Own God

Category: Religion and Philosophy

I think the primary reason that I'm not interested in any religions involving a deity is because I like myself too much. That's not to say that people who follow the word of their god(s) don't like themselves, but I like myself in the sense of: I'd never be willing to devote myself to something that I can't prove exists. I'd feel ridiculous. Any proof of god(s) existing go straight through my brai... » Continue Reading

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Ave Satanas

Category: Religion and Philosophy

Satanists of Spacehey, please add me!!! xP All paths of Satanism are cool with me but since I'm a LaVeyan Satanist, it's gonna be easier for me to relate to you if you are as well.  » Continue Reading

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MGK Fannies Get No Speaking Rights

Category: Music

I'm on a poser hate-rally today.  Note, I'm using the "music" category with HEAVY QUOTATIONS. Thinking about the time a few months ago someone said they liked my music taste and I asked "oh, sick, what are your favorite bands?" ((For clarification NOT in the gatekeeper way. I was a lonely metalhead and wanted friends and I thought the way to go was bullying their music taste. This is different tho... » Continue Reading

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I Smell Y'all From Over Here

Category: Friends

I'll pretty much accept anyone's friend request unless you like DSMP or are, like, 12.  If you like Yungblud, you're on thin ice and I'll only add you back for more friends on here. Yungblud and MGK and Call Me Karizma fans, etcetera, are automatically labelled as posers, IDC. Just because he wears dresses and is pan doesn't change the fact he's an industry-plant money-shark. » Continue Reading

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Caffeine Is My Oxygen

Category: Life

I'm trying to be nicer. I feel like I'm so uptight to people at school because I have a sapping energy drink addiction that I can't always afford to uphold. I am so reliant on them that I get tempted to capitalise the words Energy Drink as if they're my fuckin deity.  » Continue Reading

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