take me t-t-t-take me wanna be your victim ready for abduction. sorry that song has just been stuck in my head. Honestly, my confidence has been through the roof and beyond I think I finally found out why people like me so much, I actually found myself staring at myself on one or more occasions. I think it's because I realized that I'm so much better than you (jk). But honestly, I am not the perso... » Continue Reading
So just yesterday I did an hour long kick boxing class and I’m torn idk if it’s something I want I peruse but… it’s good exercise and I get to do it with someone I like and it’s not even a little bit far away from my house. But.. then again it’s a lot to accept having to start a schedule potentially stoping some things. But I can kick anyone’s ass and I’ll get stronger. But I need to buy my own ge... » Continue Reading
Let's start this off plain and simple I was a pick-me girl (This will sort of be a continuation of the analysis of one's self-series I have started) Let's go back to 3rd grade when I believe it all started, you have to understand that I was not popular in any way. I wasn't even the nerd yet that happened later. First and foremost my clothing style was primarily atrocious consisting of old navy gi... » Continue Reading
1.Spell your name without an E,R,S,H,K,I,M,L,C,A,Y,N GB 2.Are you single? n o 3.What is your favorite number? 8 4. What is your favorite color? Green 5.Least favorite color? Yeller » Continue Reading
I'm slowly running out of topic ideas (Help)..... hey welcome back so I went to a birthday party today and thought I would talk about that. So this was my mom's friend's birthday and my mother was making the cupcakes for this party so I got invited, honestly, I like getting dressed up and going to parties, and this party also had a theme which was also fun. The theme was 80's music so I wore a gun... » Continue Reading
(Yo so this is definitely going to be more upbeat than my last analysis of one’s self that last one was very depressing even for me to read.) Most of this is going to be me trying to find ways of saying staring into space with out saying it over and over again. A little weekly update: (geonitro and me are making our next video for our channel (link in bio) schools going pretty well and today is th... » Continue Reading
A friend of mine told me recently that I'm a small thing that people gravitate toward to protect and to be honest Im not sure if I see myself that way. I like to think that I know myself pretty well, I know what I like, my limits, and how my body responds to things. But something else you should know is that I have expressed my insecurities with myself on paper several thousand times but every tim... » Continue Reading
Hey, you should read this one before my other blog but I don’t really care. Ok now a little bit about myself I go to high school (don’t use that against me pls) I like pretty much every fandom you can think of for example: Harry Potter Anime Manga Marvel Stranger Things Wednesday Books Star Wars Dr Who Supernatural One Direction Music Art Minecraft » Continue Reading
Hey it's my first blog on spacehey, so I wanted to recap my day today, first I went through my closet and my dresser and took out clothes I didn't like or didn't wear anymore and moved them to my closet I also cleaned out this other dresser in my closet that holds old clothes and sheets, there was a tall cabinet on the right side that I hadn't cleaned out in a while, so I was scared there was goin... » Continue Reading