Hello, my name is TAPERS. I've been seeing a bunch of callout blogs recently, and I wanted to talk about them. THE PRO'S AND CON'S OF CALLOUT BLOGS. PRO'S Reaching the correct audience/warning another audience. Often these blogs will have the intention of letting people know about the problematic topic/person/setting within these blogs. They are meant to » Continue Reading
ARCHIVE OF SUMMARY 3 SUMMARY 3, CHAPTER 3. TAPERS (thrompd.hinchy.co/tapers/) Hello! My name is Peter/Dave/Hoonis, this is a summary of Chapter 3 of Ton » Continue Reading
ARCHIVE OF SUMMARY 1 Hello! My name is Peter, or Dave, or Hoonis, whatever you wanna call me. So I'm doing an investigation or I guess, a summary of every Tapers chapter. Tapers can be found at https://thrompd.hinchy.co/tapers/ (please be wary of the contents of Tapers, as there is » Continue Reading
DNI - Proship, Comship, P3d0ph1les, Believing DID isn't real, Disrespecting boundaries, Older then 30, Younger then 12. BYI - I am EXTREMELY ONLINE/CHRONICALLY ONLINE, I spend my days on the internet 24 fucking 7. I make extremely goreish jokes UNLESS IF YOU DO NOT WANT ME TO. If you feel uncomfortable with something I said, LET ME KNOW!! DISCORD - Ask for my discord in comments or messages! » Continue Reading