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Callout Blogs: The Pro's and Con's of them.

Hello, my name is TAPERS. I've been seeing a bunch of callout blogs recently, and I wanted to talk about them.



Reaching the correct audience/warning another audience.

Often these blogs will have the intention of letting people know about the problematic topic/person/setting within these blogs. They are meant to warn people who may have been involved with the situation, or were close with the topic/person/setting. 
They are also meant to let people who were unaware of the situation, be alerted and to do the correct action that is suggested for said situation.
If said topic/person/setting is updated in any sort of way that relates to the situation at hand, then that should be added to the blog.

This is really the only Pro of Callout blogs, I'm sorry, but we have a lot of Con's to go over.


Not sticking to the things that the person/topic/situation had done.

In callout posts, there will be instances of the poster who uses screenshots of things that the person/topic/situation never said about said situation or was even related to the situation. They will have things in their callout that were WAY before the situation, like a joke(that you can tell is obviously a joke). It can go from 100-0 really quick.

Reaching the wrong audience

A lot of callout posts reach the wrong audience due to the fact that people post these things online, this can lead to a lot of bad things. If for say, someone had done a callout post on a minor, people may start to attack the minor (who is probably like, 13-14). This can cause the minor to start having extreme paranoia, anxiety, and sometimes even bad thoughts of suicide. Attacking a minor should never be endorsed.

No solid evidence

Sometimes, these callouts will have little to no evidence, only using word-of-mouth and sometimes discredited claims. 

Callouts on stupid things

Some callouts will be on the littlest of things, like if someone was rude to another person, if someone was weird(like, online degenerate way). If a callout is absolutely needed, it should really only be if someone is exploiting others, harming others, being a danger to others(this can be sexually as well), an abuser, pedophile, groomer, bigoted, then this deserves a callout post.

Personal drama being turned into public

If a small group of people is having drama, and one person decides to make a callout post because of the person causing the drama, then this is really stupid. They do not need to be plastered everywhere, a simple confrontation and a block + report are good. People are degenerates, yes, but you do not need to make an entire post when it is a personal drama.

This is just my take though, I wrote this in class. Hope you guys enjoyed it, please leave your opinions below. If I see people start attacking others in this comment section I will delete comments.

10 Kudos


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