Hello! My name is Peter, or Dave, or Hoonis, whatever you wanna call me.
So I'm doing an investigation or I guess, a summary of every Tapers chapter.
Tapers can be found at
(please be wary of the contents of Tapers, as there is implied P3d0ph3lia, @bduction, and murder + the ending is disturbing as hell)
We open the first Chapter to one of our main characters, a middle-aged man (with a considerably heavy forehead), named Marvin Mill.
Marvin has a peculiar hobby, he enjoys watching children leave the school from which they are within.
Marvin observes a certain group of children, when something unexpected happens which he wouldn't have expected.
In that group, a young girl stops, which, they never stop. Marvin gets excited (due to him not being able to contain himself), and opens his arms for a hug, he was "ready to take her into his world, his planet of love, his hideout of happiness".
This action makes the girl run away in fear, which then makes Marvin cry.
The scene cuts to our narrator (who is unnamed) in a store called "Tapers". Tapers is a store that sells video cameras. The clerk of the Tapers store and the narrator discuss what kind of video-camera would the narrator like to get.
The narrator ends up settling on finding a video camera himself, he eventually finds a camera that was perfect and identical to the one he had already.
The clerk and narrator end up settling on a camera which then the narrator purchases. The narrator is overjoyed to have this camera, he takes videos of things, like people, animals, etc.
The narrator sees a female child, to which he then records the child, following her. The child realizes she is being followed, and tries to run away.
She runs away, which the narrator is frustrated about. He saw a slight glimpse of her on the taper, entering a house which seems familiar to him.
He realizes that that is his daughter, which he comes to an acceptance about, and the chapter ends there.
Chapter 2 summary coming later today, or tomorrow.
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