Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
While I may have a job now, the pay is hardly above minimum wage, and I have so much that I want. High on the list is a nice bottle of vodka and a sharper, prettier knife. » Continue Reading
"Nothing after nothing."
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Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
While I may have a job now, the pay is hardly above minimum wage, and I have so much that I want. High on the list is a nice bottle of vodka and a sharper, prettier knife. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
Many many days now, I find myself craving an emotional escape from what I am feeling. Most of all, I just wish to feel good and beyond myself. To cry in sympathetic arms, cherishing the warmth. To daze myself with marijuana in my lover's bed, awaiting her returning to my sad self. To drink until I do not remember the shadows of my depths, savoring the burn down my throat and the warmth in my body.... » Continue Reading
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Category: Romance and Relationships
When will it be that the occasion finds me, where I awake dazed within a red-tinged bath of ice with a deep pain in my side? I am getting impatient. » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
My smiles and wistful desire for vodka returns with its signature tinge of bloodlust. I have missed this feeling » Continue Reading
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Category: SpaceHey
Let it be known that my IMs are currently and always open for conversation of any variety. There are very very few topics I will not happily discuss with you all, so please, do not hesitate to start an exchange » Continue Reading
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Category: Life
It's not acceptable that we are just given this body and must stay with it for as long as we live. I wish to see what is inside it. I wish to rip it open and satiate my curiosity and oh my friends, I know many many of you would wish to do the same. Either to yourself or another individual. How I plead for the world to not shame such an idea, and how I plead for miserable humanity to revoke its dre... » Continue Reading
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Category: Travel and Places
I wish so deeply to run about and explore some empty building which hasn't seen business in years, and to stay in it for an hour or so before running off to find my next adventuring location. » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
With how often I find myself sleeping, I worry I may be addicted. What an awful thing, considering I rarely get any visuals when under the influence. Hardly worth it. » Continue Reading
Category: Life
If you wish, you may comment and lay bare whatever is on your mind in the way of troubles, and I will attempt to reply in a helpful manner. Though of course, I am just a wanderer on this site and do not know you personally, so there is only so much I may do. » Continue Reading
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Category: Romance and Relationships
I have found lately that I am just constantly enamored by my girlfriend. In everything she does, she makes it her own and I intend fully to observe her and love her in every strange way I can. To bite her out of pure affection and to tease where she is sensitive and to kiss her softly and to stare at her while she sleeps and everything else of the sort. And I have no desire to not share how much I... » Continue Reading
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Category: SpaceHey
I do not condone the posting of unsolicited gore on this website, and I would much rather these people share these images with those who would like to see them, rather than any unsuspecting individual. Sure, it is a strange and albeit twisted desire to want to see such a thing, but that desire does exist, and often times it is hard to fulfill it, so were these people to redirect their efforts towa... » Continue Reading