I have this on my blog but fr it's probably updated if you've seen it lol 😭 Just some random template: name: faoil (pronounced like fweel) pronouns: she/her birthday: november 15th (2007) APPEARANCE hair: brown with some ginger depending on lighting?? Total mix of curly/wavy/straight lol eye color: blue w/brown sectoral heterochromia height: 5’7 (170cm) » Continue Reading
DNI: ★ Basic criteria: racist, homophobic, problematic or support problematic things ★ If you romanticize/glorify mental illness related things. This includes joking about sh/wanting to die/constantly saying you're so mentally ill etc. (PLS stop listing your mental illnesses in your bio like they're personality traits) ★ Generally if you are over 1 » Continue Reading
Every piece I own is ethically sourced, and while I'd love to get into finding my own bones, my area isn't the best for that, so I've bought most of these pieces. I'll also answer questions about where to get ethical taxidermy and how to know if it is! First off I'll show *some of* the bones I found myself, these are all little bones from a mixture of animals (shrews, small birds, mice, &c) and th... » Continue Reading
If you want to be able to click on links or navigation that your graphics are covering please add "pointer-events: none;" to your div style 😭 like this bit for example It lowkey drives me insane when I can't click on anything when you have graphics covering the screen Bonus: to make graphics disappear on mobile add: @media » Continue Reading
I fixed the bugs in the original code, now this works on all platforms and doesn't do anything wacky. In theory, it works for me so let me know :) table, th, td { border: 0px solid; } :root { --topic1: "CHANGE TOPIC"; --topic2: "CHANGE TOPIC"; --topic3: "CHANGE TOPIC"; --topic4: "CHANGE TOPIC"; --topic5: "CHANGE TOPIC"; » Continue Reading
Copy and paste this into your about me :) for now I've put emojis but you can change them to images Here's mine: .contact .inner a img { font-size: 0; } .contact .inner a img:before { font-size: 1em; display: block } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(1) .f-col:nth-child(1) a:before { /* Add to Friends */ content: "🌱" } .contact .inner .f-row:nth-child(1) .f-col:nt » Continue Reading