Faoil's profile picture

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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Updated Interest Labels Code

I fixed the bugs in the original code, now this works on all platforms and doesn't do anything wacky. In theory, it works for me so let me know :)


table, th, td {

  border: 0px solid;


:root {

  --topic1: "CHANGE TOPIC";

  --topic2: "CHANGE TOPIC";

  --topic3: "CHANGE TOPIC";

  --topic4: "CHANGE TOPIC";

  --topic5: "CHANGE TOPIC";

  --topic6: "CHANGE TOPIC";


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr td:first-child p{color:transparent !important;text-shadow: none !important;letter-spacing: -100px;}

.details-table tr td:first-child p::after{



color:var(--links) !important;

letter-spacing:normal !important;

text-shadow: 2px 2px white !important;

filter: brightness(95%) !important;




.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(1) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic1);


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(2) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic2);


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(3) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic3);


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(4) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic4);


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(5) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic5);


.table-section:not(:last-child) .details-table tr:nth-child(6) td:first-child p::after{

  content: var(--topic6);



1 Kudos


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leafy!! ★

leafy!! ★'s profile picture

aaaaaa tysmmmm

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