Wow! They made him sound like an evil person who was out to kill people. He made many serious mistakes that resulted in the death of 4 people, serious injuries, and causing lots of property damage, but he was not out to kill people. I don't think he should go to prison but he should be seriously punished. I feel that prison should only be used to put people away that are too dangerous to be in pub... » Continue Reading
I have been driving for 20 years and the only time I do a u-turn is if it is a must to get into the customer and there is a median and the city made a u-turn lane. If I miss my turn, I will keep going until I can find a place to SAFELY turn around (like a LARGE parking lot), find a place to stop, or my GPS recalculates. Another thing to bring up is turning around in a parking lot. If that parking ... » Continue Reading
In this video, I explain why I deleted my Facebook account and why everyone who disagrees with the way Facebook does business should also delete their account. I also explain how everyone who has a Facebook account is helping Facebook make money and remain in business. If you have a Facebook account, you are not a customer. You are actually the product that they are selling. » Continue Reading
Keep something in mind if you ever end up in court. If you plead "No Contest" you are really pleading Guilty. I see people pleading "No Contest" a lot and then end up shocked that their "No Contest" plea is looked at as a conviction. » Continue Reading
Throughout my life, I have heard people say that if you crave something, it means that your body is deficient in a vitamin or mineral t » Continue Reading
An 18-year-old girl sues her parents because she refused to live by her parents rules and decided to choose her boyfriend over her parents. She asks the court to force her parents to support her and pay for her college. I agree with the judge, t » Continue Reading
A veterinarian for the Humane Society of St. Lucie County has been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence and hit-and-run after she also botched a routine surgery to spay a dog, investigators said. » Continue Reading
In this video blog, I talk about the most dangerous religion in the world. I will tell you what that religion is and why it is the most dangerous religion. » Continue Reading