Baby loves, I'm tryna talk to you There's a boy And I don't quite know What to do Good things come to those who wait But patience ain't my thing The way he holds me, shows me, he's the one For sure the one I think I'd rather wait for him forever Instead of having him just for now At night, just when I look up at the moon I wonder if he's looking at it too And I don't know what to do » Continue Reading
Comment vas-tu chéri ? es-tu avec elle ? sens-tu ses cheveux rouges ou caresses-tu son argent ? je ne suis pas assez je peux tout te donner mais tu n'en as pas besoin » Continue Reading
When will you understand that what i feel for you is genuine? I believe I have told you before but you just don´t get that I would give my heart gladly for you. I feeltired everytime you ghost me, it´s like I´m talking to the wall, texting and texting until you reply whenever you want to, my heart just shatters because I´m always thinking ´bout you. Everytime you sing for me, it feels like I´m at ... » Continue Reading
Creo que todos hemos alguna vez escuchado: que prefieres, ser rico y triste o feliz o pobre y la típica respuesta de “rico pero triste, el dinero lo sacia todo”. Pues no, no soy precisamente rica pero tengo un estilo de vida que la mayoría de las personas en mi país no tienen y si, soy caprichosa, berrinchuda, a veces, presumida, y caigo fácilmente cada vez que me enamoro. Sin embargo tener todo l... » Continue Reading
Hace unos meses que inicié el bachillerato y lo único que quiero decir es QUE PAJAAA. Me da una flojera increíble. Hay veces que le ruego a mi madre por faltar y tengo que abstenerme a consecuencias como que me retire el celular o demás, y lo peor es que cada día son 9 horas de puto estudio. Siento que esta es mi única manera de desahogarme, y lo único que me hace ir son mis amigas, cada mañana el... » Continue Reading
Sometimes I feel that my dad doesn't really love me, he said that he doesn't want to put me a room in his house or have my things in his house, I just called him and he's in a pub, I literally heard a lady tell him how much will he pay her for a service.... Since he separated from my mom things go from bad to worse, I miss that they are together but I know how bad it is for both of us. In less tha... » Continue Reading
About Alexandre, he was a bastard... what I can say, maybe he was not such a bastard, he loved me and cared about me, even one day I was dying of menstrual pain and he called me while driving to make me feel better and damaged his tire.. he considered me a funny goddess, he laughed at my jokes and even talked to me in his work schedule, of course the bad thing was the age difference. I think I wa... » Continue Reading
In this blog I want to talk about something that I have possibly already commented on in my previous blogs. At the age of 15 I was a victim of pedophilia, the months have passed and my psychiatrist and my parents, especially my father make me feel like it was my fault, I know it was a 50/50 and that I “provoked” him but I really hate everything that is happening, that they remind me all the time o... » Continue Reading
Hello, today I would like to talk about The Sugarcubes, especially about Margrét Örnólfsdóttir As we all know, Björk was the star of the sugarcubes, while "Magga" (I guess that was Margrét's nickname) was a simple keyboardist who wanted to get attention. Björk was by far the most beautiful of the group, sometimes with e » Continue Reading
Hey guys, how's it going? Today is the second time I've been allowed to go out to the street on my own (the thousandth for me because I've done it on the sly before). I walked to the torre mexicana, walked my dog and even though I didn't have any money I had the luxury of walking by the starbucks and smelling the coffee. I would have loved to buy some nail polish at the bissu store but as I said b... » Continue Reading
My boy, come take my hand Throw your guitar and your clothes in the back seat My love, they don't understand But I'll hold your heart in the box here beside me » Continue Reading