this isn't for anyone who isn't going to look at it from a mature perspective, nonetheless, this post may delve into some personal things that are a little too personal for some folks, so trigger warning: sorta vivid descriptions of sex & criticism on hook-up culture » Continue Reading
if you're gonna be consistently active on this site with commenting and messaging and interacting, FRIEND ME THIS INSTANT!! i yearn for interaction bc thats like half the fun of this website so check my profile out and if you fw it then friend me :)) » Continue Reading
*PICS AREN'T MINE, THEY'RE FROM AN EBAY LISTING OF THE SAME HOODIE!!!* its so fucking sexy and it makes my tip sticky, it's a 2006 fully embroidered adidas x muhammed ali pullover hoodie and it's worth about a whopping $200!!!! gonna post a fit pic whenever i can put a good fit together with it :) » Continue Reading
do you ever get that feeling where you want someone to like/understand something as much as you do but you know that they won't be able to so it just makes you sad? thats how i feel about a lot of things like most video essays, 70's rock bands, and detroit become human :p » Continue Reading
i genuinely love being cold. first off, it's mainly because i get hot so easily. during the summertime, i am absolutely MISERABLE and i'm just counting down the days until it cools off in this heat-inducing southern state. but when winter rolls around, i am the happiest i've ever been!!!! i keep my room at a cool and steady ~55 degrees and it's so comfy. also, i love being outside (when it's anyth... » Continue Reading
it may sound like narcissistic or like pickme but lowkey there's like nobody (meaning few) people that have the same music taste as i do, that being mostly 70s rock bands like ELO, Boston, The Eagles, Blue Oyster Cult, and even some later stuff like RHCP, Hall & Oates, Aerosmith, Creed, REO Speedwagon, and many many others. PLEASE ROCKERS COME BACK TO LIFE!!! AND IF YOU AREN'T A ROCKER THEN YOU'RE... » Continue Reading
the tone throughout this blog will not be gentle, so if you aren't cool with a little brutal honesty then click off. before you delve into this blog, please know that i was one » Continue Reading
hello!! i've recently run into the website and it gives me the utmost fomo that it seems that i've arrived after it's died. i could be completely wrong, but i'd love to meet some cool people on here. check out my profile to learn more about me and i look forward to talking to ya :) p.s. someone please teach me how to have a cool ass looking profile like 99% of other people on here. » Continue Reading