the tone throughout this blog will not be gentle, so if you aren't cool with a little brutal honesty then click off.
before you delve into this blog, please know that i was one of you. i was afraid to talk to cashiers or give my orders to waiters. i was afraid of going anywhere without a friend or family member right by my side, but there is hope for improvement. first of all, i feel like most of an individual's awkwardness or social anxiety stems from the fear of other's judgement. if you really think about it, though, nobody gives a fuck about you. and i don't mean that in a condescending way, but in the most heartfelt way possible, nobody cares about you or what you do/say. think about it, can you remember the last time someone you've never seen before voice cracked or fell down or did something embarrassing? yeah, chances are the strangers you did that embarrassing thing in front of don't either. realistically, people forget the shit you do in about 2 seconds, that is unless they're weird and keep a memory log of each and every embarrassing thing that each and every random person does all day every day. and if they are someone like that, you should have the self awareness to recognize that you shouldn't give a fuck about what they think anyways.
because in the grand scheme of things, you only live once. anything and everything you do will be forgotten 100 years from now. so go to that party, go kiss that guy/girl you like, go spend $300 on that useless cool thing you found online. all in all, please don't let your irrational fear of people get in the way of having fun in life, because that's like the entire point of it is having fun. you should enjoy your life to the fullest and don't let something that shouldn't matter to you ruin that.
go out of your way to talk to people. if you see someone who has a cool pair of jeans on, tell them that. you'll realize how good it feels to be able to talk to people so seamlessly and give out that impression that you're confident. once people see you in that light, you'll start to see how much better your attitude gets. if there's any questions or concerns of people who need advice or just someone to talk to, please feel free to leave a comment below and i'll reply as soon as i can.
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by dadrockenthusiast; ; Report
commenting to hopefully boost this message :)
In complete honesty I clicked onto this not knowing what to expect, I lowkey just was looking through recent blogs because I wanted to read some fun stuff, but this hit so close to home that I just had to say something. I think this post was here for me at the perfect place and time, and yeah it's not the most inspirational thing anybody's ever said, but a really good push in the right direction. I appreciate this, scotty, thank you: )
of course stranger :)
like i said, i used to be the most chronically anxious person known to MAN feeling like i had no hope of changing. but this post is basically a wake up call to just live life like nobody's watching because i will say it's so much more fun that way. <3
by dadrockenthusiast; ; Report