I.C.E RAIDS Before an immigration raid happens you SHOULD: 1). Gather all of your important documents 2). Let a trusted family member know where to find them 3). Talk with your family about what to do if you or someone in the family is detained by ICE 4). Have parents of children in the family give the child's school a list of trusted adults to pick up the child in case the parent/s are » Continue Reading
messin around with html shtuff, lemme know what you think @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Dancing+Script:wght@700&display=swap'); * { » Continue Reading
hey there! I haven't actually utilized the blogging feature on this site more than on rare occasion so consider this a first for those of you that've actively followed my livejournal or even just my bulletins have probably realized that my life is about as amicable as a crappily written 80's movie which is,,, not the greatest after school ended I've been given far too much time to reflect on my l... » Continue Reading
Hey losers, I'm back I've spiraled into another episode of "oh fuck my life" and I'm here to complain about it If you get uncomfy with like, unsolicited rambling about mental health and depression then maybe don't read this and have a good day lkjhyt Anyways, It's » Continue Reading
Hey fuckers, happy new year !!! 2022 is upon us meaning another 360 days of me causing calamitous events and the like, h o w e v e r It's prediction time losers I am really bad at doing things by months but I'm assuming theres gonna be some sort of really bad natural disaster in L.A, another strain or three of covid, lockdown part 2 electric boogaloo but not as bad Feel free to comment your pred... » Continue Reading
so there's a modern version of myspace now lets see how long it takes for the people who romanticize mental illness to plague this place rehtiuerhtery » Continue Reading