Here's a useful one Ever hate waking up at 2pm only to find out a bunch of shit happened while you were sleeping? Well that sucks BUT I HAVE A SOLUTION!! so you're gonna want to pull an all nighter, then go to bed at 6:30 to 8:00 pm depending on when you want to wake up. You may have to sleep early for a bit to keep it consistent. What you DON'T want to do is go to bed before 6. If you go to bed b... » Continue Reading
OK THIS IS MY 2RD TIME TYPING THIS I HATE YOU: guys guys okay so yesterday I said my CAPTURE CARD was supposed to freaking come YESTERDAY but it FREAKING DIDNT so I said to my homes I would vlog and he said NOOKORKROORO!!! and then I asked my friend if I should and he said NOKKORKROROK?!! SO IM LIKE MAN DUDE FLIP YOU I AM BLORGIG ANYWAYS!!!! umm so yeah i wanna do daily vlogs erm and the first one... » Continue Reading
Yes, you read that right, tape. I recently found some old empty tapes and started recording songs i like on them I ordered a few more to do whatever with, but i'm running out of ideas PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME SONG SUGGESTIONS I NEED THEM » Continue Reading
Hello fellow gasoline guzzlers and freedom friends have you ever wondered what the american public school system is like? (spoiler: not good!) you can expect to get a solid 7 assignments PER DAY plus projects, all costing about 20 minutes to 3 hours each suffice to say, they really want to make sure youre engaged in their paper to brain data transmission do you think thats dumb? wait till you hear... » Continue Reading
So yesterday I went thrifting and bought an Xbox 360 controller Today I'm gonna go back and also go to a military surplus, so hopefully I find some cool stuff! Wish me luck!!! » Continue Reading
So uhh a lot of people don't actually know this, but I'm really into bikes and motorcycles and such, so when my grandpa asked me if I wanted to ride a quad... OBVIOUSLY I said fuck yes!! That thing is sick dude!!! I have really good speed and direction control, but my dad says I was turning too fast and I actually managed to get the back wheel off the ground... » Continue Reading
i got so excited when i reloades my tab and it opened i was getting really tired of the "invalid client id" error thanks an!! i started to have withdrawals lolz » Continue Reading